This far but still awesome! :)

It was really colourful last night!
&Here we have Kangta who sang only 2~3 songs! :(

Jessica & Krystal's "California Girls"

hehe. Here's Eunhyuk! ^^

Excited to watch EXO man!
But lipsync. :(


SHINee in the house! ♥♥♥

Onew singing "Open Arms" and deserves two shots!

Kris, Amber & Key singing "Like A G6"

Here's Eunhyuk again when they were introducing themselves and just talking!
Love his gummysmile! :3

Jonghyun was rocking really hard to his song and his abs............................

Cringed at this. >,>

SNSD with "Gee" and check out Sunny's new lavendar hair! :O

Poor weather! Poured for about 10 minutes towards the end.

Everyone with brollie!!!!
Lucky the rain stopped by finale!

Here's our happy, excited, and pretty tired face. lol.

As compared to other concerts, I didn't take much shots this time.
1) Because it was so damn freaking far
2) I was more more engrossed in the concert
3) The pictures all turn out horrible! :(
The concert was really enjoyable even though I didn't know all the songs throughout the 4-hour non-stop
concert (yes, nonstop 4hours!). The atmostphere was constantly high and very fun even though I got tired halfway through (getting old or what!!! tsk!) lol.
SMTOWN was way faster than any solo concerts I've been to! Their transitions were quick. We didn't even realize the first hour passed when it did! I guess because there's so many groups, they have to schedule as many acts as possible? There were also many many pairings and "subgroups" too!!
Was rather reluctant to purchase the tickets because I thought most artistes would lipsync in such huge-scale concerts... Turns out, only about......... 60%! was lipsync! Pretty good considering how much rushing, dancing and running around they had to do! :)
I was feeling glad I didn't pay the $168 for the tickets though. The seating was really bad. Damn far from the stage to be worth that price! If I were richer, I would buy moshpit tickets or the most expensive seats. lol. Mostpit because it will be worth the price seeing how near and spacious the area was! But then again, I HATE crowds. So nay~
The seats we were at were the darkest! Meaning, the least high and least participative group! Free tickets section. PFFT! At least 80% of the crowd in our section did not have lightsticks! And most of them just watch with a blank expression. ==;
I wondered why the aunties (yes aunties!!!) beside me attended when they clearly have no idea about them and needless to say, were even interested in them. Then, overheard "I didn't wanna waste the tickets though" so that's whyyyyyy. But I have to say, they did laugh at the funny and cute parts though~
There was even a father and a mother with their not-really-interested-in-smtown daughter infront of me! They look pretty bored. lol. Why can't organisers give free tickets to people who are fans???? There were so many people at the helix bridge trying to catch a glimpse of the idols!!!
ANYWAYZ. The sound systems(?) were fantastic! Did not expect that since my past experiences at the floating platform were pretty meh~ Screw that last screen at the right though! Blue screen by the first hour or so. tsk.
Jonghyun made a mention about the screen though. kek. SHINee was really dorky and I love this side of them!!!!!!! I hope they'll be as fun and cute when they are back two weeks later and not too tired like previously! ><
There were many fun and funny parts to the concert but everything happened too quickly (as usual) that I can't really remember much. lol.
It was cute how Eunhyuk tries to speak Singlish~ There's always a problem with their tone when people try it. Still cute and funny though! hahah. It was also funny how he tried to make himself the leader of the group. lol.
And then, there's Onew~ His intoduction was so so so !!!!!! "This is Onew" hahahhaha. Sounded really cute okay! &His new phrase "So professional!!!" lol.
He also corrected the translator when she translated the wrong date for their upcoming concert. He immediately interrupted the translator and said in English "December 8!" IT WAS CUTE WHEN HE SAID IT OKAY! Lol. And he mumbled something about professionalism excitedly.
Oh oh! He was also saying about fans braving the weather to watch them. It was translated and then he ended it off with "You are so professional~" lol. Dork.
Another one!!!!
I hope they won't be taken down so I could watch it in future. kek.

Love love Taemin's oddly cute "Love Like Oxygen" hahha.
Luckily, it stopped for a good three hours before the last half hour of the concert where groups were singing their latest songs! During BoA's "Only One", it started drizzling a little~ By the time she was done, it was raining~ Luckily SHINee didn't fall. :D Thereafter, it started pouring really bad!!! Everyone was more focussed on taking cover than the performances. :(
Then then then!!! Just when the last group performed their last song, the rain stopped. ==; The finale was able to end the great concert nicely! ^^ But I guess, the rain kindda dampened the mood. Finale was pretty short. :/
&ohoh! f(x) was the opening performance for the night and Luna fell during the first performance! So painful! It was a really loud thud! Damnyourain!
Overall, it was a really good concert and I've enjoyed my time screaming and waving the lightsticks like some madwoman. I feel weird being 21 and still acting like some small fangirl; but I saw older people being more crazy and thus, they are the only comfort I have to continue being so............ senseless. lol.
Halfway through the concert, I wondered why there's so many of us being crazy and head over heels with these idols............................. The companies are so smart in marketing their products aka their idols. Imagine how much they are putting in their pockets with a huge grin on their faces while fans like us are spending like mad to see the idols. I also wondered how long more I am going to spend my precious money on concerts, events and whatnot.....................................................
With that said,,,


&SHINee the weeeeeeeeeeeeek after!!! :D

&Yes, I do realize it's three concerts for three consecutive weeks! :O

And now, I shall be gone~ :D
