8 of us gathered together for a really good brunch as a celebration for Gary's birthday. His birthday isn't due till 24th this month but because of the same reason we couldn't do a proper celebration for Lance's 21st, NS might rob away Gary's birthday too. So, here's a 2 weeks advanced "celebration".
But it isn't exactly a celebration because there wasn't any cake. :/ Don't judge me, Birthday Cakes are symbolic! So anywayz, we can take it that we're celebrating Lance's birthday belatedly, Gary's birthday 2 weeks in advanced, a farewell brunch for Lance's departure tonight to Brunei and maybe for Cindy's birthday too! LOL.
Cindy turns 21 today. :) HAPPY 21ST CINDY! ♥
One brunch for all the reasons! :3

Lance & Gary ♥
ps: Both single, so let me know if you're interested to expand your circle of friends. If you know what I mean. ;)

We were suppose to meet at 12pm but apparently one of the stars for the day *cough*Gary*cough* was still sleeping soundly when I called at 11:58am!!! End up panic-planning for the perfect arrangement to go together! :) Gathered at Gary's place to wait for him to get ready and for everyone else to arrive before Jolene follow Lance's car.

It was a stresssssful drive for Jolene, trying to follow Lance's lead while cursing and exclaiming how she prefer Gary to lead the way and all. Haha. Super cute.

The place we went for brunch!

Heard it was one of the best restaurant or something?


The place is kindda big and the ambiance is nice!

Reading the newspaper or the menu?

Everyone of us placed our phones in the middle of the table. Yaping's greaaat suggestion!!! Such a good way to stop us from constantly checking tweets/facebook/instagram when we're having brunch or just hanging out. WE SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS LONG AGO!!! I kindda have issues with people who are almost constantly staring at their phones. It's like they are not interested in hanging out or something. :(
I was asked to pay for the GST initially because I was the first to touch my phone. BUT I ONLY WANTED TO CLICK OPEN A MESSAGE, or it'll ring every 10 minutes! :( Of course, they were just kidding. Was kindda hungry so I just feign ignorance. loll.
I was asked to pay for the GST initially because I was the first to touch my phone. BUT I ONLY WANTED TO CLICK OPEN A MESSAGE, or it'll ring every 10 minutes! :( Of course, they were just kidding. Was kindda hungry so I just feign ignorance. loll.

They said I was the odd one. But NO.jpg I see myself being the unique one! :D

Fooling around before our food came!
Oh oh! Our bill totaled up to a whooping $250.11~~ :O But it was a good brunch.

Soohou: "Can I have the Hot Chocolate?"
Yaping: "It's Hot HOT Chocolate!"
Her exclamation was darn funny! Our cute cute. xD

Some fries which I cannot remember what it's called.

Food for the other side came first so, pictures! :))

The place was so nice, we decide to take snapshots of the delicious food too!

7 Layer Pancakes!
It looks so pretty and berry-ish!

No idea what this is~
I didn't get to try this but it looks nice!

Old Fashion American something lol.
The sweet potato fries is fantastic!

Mushroom Risoto
Flavorful! My first time trying risoto!

&Then, ours were finally here!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, mine is the same as Soohou's!
Weishan say it's like a higher class of Burger King shots~ TSK! Idiot much. :(
But the beef patty is much thicker! And the sweet potato fries is FANTASTIC.
ps: I know I've mentioned the sweet potato BUT IT'S FANTASTIC. :D

:) No idea what this is also.
I think it's nice! But Yaping complains about the hard bread~

Eggs Benedict!

Fish & Chips!

and the best tau sar bao 豆沙包 in Singapore!
I think it's the same as the one I love love love from JB/Kota Tinggi!!
I didn't try but it looks the same!
We use to have like a box of these stocked in our freezer because it's from JB/Kota Tinggi and not exactly very convenient to buy. I'm not a 豆沙包 person but I really really really loved the ones from there. You have to cook it perfectly too~ Else it'll not be the best. :(( Now I miss it! It's been ages since I last had any!!!

nomz nomz nomz


A group shot! ^^

The sun is definitely merciless this Sunday! :((

But a good sun means good lighting and definitely means good pictures!!!!!!!!!!!! ☺



I like this shot! :)
Welcome to Muthu's Curry says Weishan. hehehehe.

So happy!

The guys~~~

Lance re-enacting some NS stuffs again~~~

I think only the guys could understand fully what he's talking about. Lol.

Took us a really really long time to decide on what to do. End up going with Soohou's idea and that is to go home. :( So sad. But the sun was so darn hot, I wasn't interested to head down to town for some shopping.

&Here, are my favourite shots!!!
ps: Yes, this is one of my favourite shots because you can't see Gary! ;)

This is probably the most expensive weekend I've ever had. Expensive brunch on Saturday, expensive shopping and expensive brunch again on Sunday. Mostly expensive brunch though. lol.
And now it's less than 4 hours left to the end of Sunday. The end of my expensive but fantastically awesome weekend. Work next. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. :((