Reluctantly, I'm finally back from my short trip to Kuala Lumpur... But, no, I'm not having post-overseas blues. Kindda really stressed over work. No time for blues. Le sigh. :/
Though merely 4 days and 3 nights, it has indeed gave my 2012 a fantastic start (apart from my very fun countdown!)
Totally can't wait for my next getaway. xD
In my best summary; this trip is one of my best KL experiences ever! Love the hotel. Love the malls. Love the food. Love the shopping. Love the hotel. Love the malls. Love the food. Love the shopping. Love the hotel. Love the malls. Love the food. Love the shopping.
Yes, I really enjoyed this trip SO MUCH and love all the ^ mentioned SO MUCH that I HAVE to declare them thrice!!! I miss my sis and Suar though.
Would loveeeee to go back there with my friends next time! &Yes, my mum will actually give the greenlight if I were to go back to same place! (ANYONE INTERESTED???)
Last few random pictures taken! ^^

Crazy potato!

What we shopped for. xD

Not at all bubble!

Really like the tiles so two shots of this! LOL.

Uncle's gift!

Wanted to get this SO BADLY.

Went with three bags came back with 6! :O

Mum said my nails look like they got oil-stained. Zz