again! KEKEKE.
Please don't blame me for being longwinded today! I have tonnes of time to kill and is rather...

this countdown. KEKEK.
credit to whoever did this GIF
And for the uninterested-in-my-life-and-my-wordy-entry people, I've decided to upload pictures first! :)) Have made the effort to edit some of them because I feel like it. LOL. Also because I've found out this amazing photo editing feature photobucket.com has!!!! Must.play.with.it!

Before I go on, some scenic pictures I had to take because they were soooooo pretty!!!


Main highlight: THE CROWD!!!
Queuing to have our bags checked!

Toilet visit!!!

Finally settled down!

Jo & Dave

The couples for the night!
(plus Soohou & Gwen)

This shot because Jolene wants to look smaller. lol.

Pity my spousey Shanshan weren't there. sobs!

Jolene's attempt to look small again. LOL!




Jianhui and Kecksiong was there too!

Okay, fireworks!
Prolly have seen these on TV ah~~ Or, have you? :/
I really like the fireworks with pink tips! So pretty!

The split second from 2011 to 2012 was so fast; I wasn't really ready but it was 2012 already! Didn't felt like there were any changes (DUH!) But while watching the fireworks make their way to light up the sky, I started just wondering... It is indeed 2012 already. Made my silent wishes(random, I know.) and came up with a few simple resolutions(though I said I'm not going to. lol.) for myself.

The event kindda ended along with the fireworks... There were just a few more songs before it officially did, I guess? Many started to move either go home or down to the dancefloor. We stayed around for quite a bit to photobomb! KEKEKE.

&Soohou has to close his eyes. :O

From the clique! :))
If only Lance and Shan was there ah! </3

awwwwwww. so tweeeeet! xD
ps: NOT typo.
ANYWAYS! In total, we took 230 photos. But I've only uploaded merely 93(?) because the rest were couple photos &selfshots. Since I'm not one of them, noooooooooo, you don't get to see the other couple pictures or the narcissistic (Yanling!) pictures. :p But they'll be up in facebook!!

I had no idea what the hell Yaping was doing! But I felt her face real close~~~!
Had to do that expression when I know what she's trying to do!

Tsk, this girl..............

Asked me to take another shot because she was supposedly distracted in the previous shot...
I like the previous one leh. ><

Give the attitude expression!


End of visuals; Start of long entry!
Today's excuse to blog won't be "because my hair is wet" and instead it's "because I can't sleep without bathing!!" Must be thinking how disgusting I am right now not bathing after a long night out, yes? Well, truth be told; I desperately want to bathe but my parents are asleep and I only bathe in their toilet because I like that toilet more than the one in the kitchen because the one in the kitchen feels creepy though it's my house's toilet. It's so near the rubbish dump, I always picture myself getting freaked out by roaches that might appear!
Okay, lame; one long chunk about toilet. :/ So anyways, because my parents are asleep and I'm being filial to not wanna disturb them with my half hour bath, I've decided to blog and stay awake till they wake up... Which means~~ another 2 hours? *hwaiting! huk!*
Yaping just left my place (5:57AM) anyway~~ So I'm just left with the next few hours to kill. >< Speaking of Yaping, she just showed me some boobjob video at 5:40AM. Walaoooooo! Not a good way to start my 2012 morning ah! xD Gave me the eeee-vibe.
Okay okay, long story short!
For the very first time in my 20/21 (OMG I'M TURNING 21 IN EXACTLY 3 MONTHS. FML.) years of breathing, I've attended a countdown par-tehhhhh!!! *throws confetti* I spent my last day of 2010 and first day of 2011 at home and it was... meh meh. So I thought it would be better if I get myself out of the house this year for some fun! Also to give myself a good start to my 21st and the adulthood journey.
I have no idea why I see 21 as such an important age... Not like there's gonna be any difference in the restrictions I have, or that I'm gonna go watch some R21 movie (maybe just one la! lmao.), or that........... you get my draft. So anyways, yeah. I see these "stages" in life important.
FML. I just recalled that I have to start seriously planning my birthday. Zz
Digressions aside; the party tonight was great! Though we were kindda late and I was kindda sweating pfft, I still had fun at the event and of course the countdown afterparty!
Even though I didn't enjoy all the songs at the event, it was really nice having something to do before 2012 starts. xD I was actually just lazing at home waiting for time to pass before I head out for the event. KEKE.
So yeah, my 2012 started pretty awesome with really pretty fireworks (I actually Oooo, ahhhh out loud la. wth. Lol.) and
Lol. So yes, countdown this year was good. :) I hope it gives my 2012 an awesome kick start. Muahahahaha. :D
OH YA! Wanted to meet up with Weishan but so many things happened in between, we thought it was just a few of us so we cancelled the afterplan only to have Yaping tell us her initial plan changed and therefore can join us. Turns out we were too late to informing Weishan that she had plans already so Yaping and I just had some girly time together over at my place as we settled the pictures too. (Y)!
ALSO! I just recalled. xD The afterparty was fun but kindda boring too~ It was a huge dancefloor with DJ (Yes, kindda like a club) and it was filled with people dancing. But I wasn't into the music because it kept having pauses/nondancing kindda moments; So I wasn't really having the feel. Jolene thought I was shy. :/ Was I? I doubt so......................... Just not high enough.
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I have no idea what I can blog about anymore. :/ Guess I'm gonna just do some work (yes, work. sobs) till my parents wake up. SIGH. I feel so uncomfortable la! Zz
Got a shock when I turn to my window and looked out. IT'S BRIGHT ALREADY. OMG. TIRED MAX.