It's been about a month since I started complaining about my hair.
How messy it is.
How frizzy it is.
How troublesome it is.
How unpredictable it acts.
How it curls outward so unsightly - treating my head like a broom or something.
How the brown ends are just so disgusting.
But all these whining to myself, of course.
No idea if it's because the last haircut was donkey months ago or because I haven't done any treatment for the longest time ever~~~ My hair was in the most... horrible state I've ever recall it being ever!! The ends were curling outwards every single day! Had to do hidden braids so it won't look like I'm walking with a broom on my head! #@%#@$#@%$#
I thought it was because the ends were becoming dead but nuuuuuuuuu turns out it's just being an ass. To tame it, I tried masking it every other day. DOESN'T WORK. ==; I can't recall the last time I hated my hair so much before. :/ Like seriously.
Finally after the last cut approximately three months and ten days ago, I've finally had something done to the mess on my head. A GODLY TRIM!!!! Lmao. It's not even like I was planning to keep long hair; I just got lazy to visit any salon. (No Gary, it has got no relation to the challenge you supposedly gave me; but please, $50 give now me! lol.) I can't even remember the last time I did hair treatment. :/ But finally, the mess got to my ultimate limit on Monday. I couldn't take the trouble and the annoyance I feel every single day any more.
Every strand of hair was an annoyance to me.
I should really go back to the habit or trimming it monthly or at least once every two months; and also to do treatment more often.
Really impress with girls who are able to keep long hair. :/ Totally not my kindda thing.
Guess it's just telling me that I don't suit having hair length longer than my shoulder. *shrugs*
Oh wells.
On a random note: I can't believe I actually - unconsciously admitted to something that isn't even true. :O Darn it.