Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sunny Sunny Weather, Sunny Sunny Mood :D

Must think that I'm crazy to be in a sunny mood today when the sun was so freaking scorching hot hot hot like a buring metal, right??? I'm just exaggerating the weather, let me be! :p

Well, you just need a great start to your day to have a great day. Actually, it all boils down to your personality, your day, your mood and your ability to think positive! But no, seriously, it was a great day today for me. ^^

Definitely had a fun crazy start this morning. We were suppose to have hotcakes yesterday for breakfast. But because there were some difficulties, I suggested something insaneeeee! And yes, it was so crazy, most of us were cursing the fact that we agreed to do it. xD We didn't get enough sleep, but still woke up at 7am for breakfast!!!
Crazy? Yes we are. :p

Laid in bed after morning calling Yaping. Regretting my suggestion to meet early for breakfast as I wait for Jolene to finish sending her sister to school and then coming by to pick Yaping and I to Hougang Point for Mac Breakfast. Blogging it because it's going to be part of a good memory. ^^

Breakfast with...





... was wickedly awesome!!!! ^^
Had a loud laughing 3-hours breakfast. ^^ Joke of the day: Yaping, Jolene and I screamed at the sight of Weishan in the middle Hougang Point out of nowhere. xD Wanted to hide away from Weishan and wait for Gary before heading into Mac and unite together not do the treating (latecomers are to treat), but obviously we weren't late. Lol. Just in time, I saw a message from Weishan saying she's withdrawing money. The next moment, Yaping screamed followed by Jolene and then me. Looked up and saw Weishan, that's why we were so shocked. LOL. Just when we were planning to do something. LOL.

After breakfast, headed back home and prepared to go out. Waaaaa. It's been a while since I last do some shopping. HEHE. Shopped with sister and bought a few new pieces. I AM A HAPPY GIRL GIRL TODAY!!! KEKEKE. Even did an impulsive buy. :O But I'm still happy. ;) KEKE.

And that's why I'm happy today. ♥


Can't wait for tomorrow,

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