ps: But of course, that's impossible! :p
Before I actually go on about chalet, I'm going to blog about something nice we did as a clique! ^^
For someone really really special to us.........

JOJO!!! ♥♥♥

From plans to do a hugeeee group hug~

To just pointing~ :D

Spot Samuel's short fingers~! :p

Guess what we wanted to form! ;D

Sent the images for developing into hardcopies and went shopping for BBQ and chalet necessities! ^^

Printed and ready for processing! :D


Final touching up!

Tadahhhh!!!! ^^

With heartfelt letters too! :D

Okay, the end. -
Now, chalet! :D
It was a really really fun chalet. A very fun fun chalet. We all had many many fun together in the chalet. The chalet was big big and it was really fun having to stay there for 3 days and 2 nights with fun fun people I know. The day was fun. The night was fun. The afternoon was fun. The walking around was fun. The stoning was fun. The eating was fun. The sleeping was fun. The not sleeping was more fun fun fun! The companion was fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun. The jokes were fun.......
Okay, lame. xD Anyways!

Here's a short mini tour around the big boring expensive and not extremely pretty chalet. :D

Bedroom. There's two of this. Small beds. o_O
Supposedly for 8 people to stay?! Like wth?!

The toilet.
There's two of this too.
And the one at the second level SUCKS!!!
There were lots and lots of ants that kept coming. -,-

Now, downstairs! :D

Big big space!

Pretty living room!

Nice dining area with the kitchen and the end of this small tour!
If only the bedrooms were bigger, beds were bigger, toilet was cleaner, and everything does not cost as we use! Zz
ps: Gotta pay to open BBQ pit, charge for using too much electricity and a lot of other facilities! o_O

When they finally arrived!

Oops, sorry, accidentally included an ugly picture. :\
ps: KIDDING BABO!!! :p

This picture does NO justice to the pretty night scenery.
It was gorgeous. And the sky was filled with lots and lots of stars. Really pretty. :)

Bowling after dinner you all ! :D

High5-ing with Lance.
Definitely him, look at my high5 angle! =x LOL!

It was a nice game and guess who won??? ^^


And the other group~~~
HAHHAHAH. Funny picture right? :p

I like this picture!
But why is it here?! Tskkkkk!
The key about bowling yesterday was the funny names we had.

Try use celebrity names for when you are bowling, hell funnnnnn!
If you are lady gaga and you are scoring well, just look at your competitors and say:
'yeah man im born this way'"
Quote Karena
It was seriously damn funny. My name was changed to Lance Lim though. :\ But it wasn't a bad thing because I was bowling better than usual. LOL! I'm lazy to share who's who. So go figure it out yourself. :p
Yaping was Gaga, Gary was ...
After changing our names to those, we had a very bad start to the game. LOL!!! And oh ya! Before this change, Gary was Rebecca and Weishan was Black. LOL!!! I guess that was how the random naming came about. LOL.

Them trying to scam the scores and that explains my want to upload the uglier picture of them! :p

But nah, I'm too nice a person. Here's a picture of the not-winners! :p
ps: KIDDING LA! Still loveeee you guys. (K)

After bowling and Jo joined us for the night. :D

Korean style
Jojo left chalet for home thereafter. :'(

THE GORGEOUS SUNRISE!!!! Waaaa, damn nice uh this shot!
But apparently, they gave up after an hour and called for S.O.S (for Samuel), because there was still a freaking longgg longgg walk from our chalet. Cute or what! (Choose what!)
ps: Okay, random with the choose what thing. :\ If you don't get it, you're slow and you're permitted to ask me so I can laugh at you. HEHE.

After we woke up~

Waiting for the girls~

Like nice right?

Walking in our pajamas!

ps: hehehe, kidding! <3

Attempting emo shot!

&Here's an example of what you'll feel when Yaping hugs you~~~ NOT! hehehe.

Happy couple~ Sweet ?? KEKE.


And when you're in the beach, there'll tend to have a fella trying to figure out if he should jump......
Seriously, pardon my randomness in this entire entry today. I've got no idea what's wrong with me. :D

<3 The end of our beach visit.
Okay la, the main point is actually this...
While we were walking back to the chalet, the babo who was with me actually had HIS HEAD KNOCKED AGAINST A TREE BRANCH!!!! In simple English, HE FREAKING WALKED INTO A TREE BRANCH!!!!!! LOL. Actually, I just wanted to repeat that. xD There was even this loud *Konk* sound lo please! Definitely hit it harddd. And like his head was empty... :\ But obviously not! KEKE. It was so freaking funny, I swear!!!
(Don't think it is? YOU'VE GOT NO FEELINGS!!!!!! Lol.)
So yeah, this is it. It was funny when it happened larrrr! Imagine some tall person thinking he's short and can just walk staring into the ground (like me) without having the trouble of walking into a tree branch. LOL!!!!!Okay mean, oh wait :D that's my middle name. LOL! ><

While they went for a swim and the other guys went ahead for Tennis...

I had a fun interview with Jolene.
Had a nice long chat with Jolene after I showered and realise how red I was from the scorching hot sun! :O And that picture, my dear people-who-reads, is a picture taken by Weishan after she had her 45 minutes nap, coming down to tease that we look like we were having an interview. :D

And there I was and a few others, facing the hot hot BBQ pit that cost $12, trying to cook some real food to fill the stomachs of many many hungrys while.....................

.......... THESE GIRLS DO JUMPSHOTS!!!! #@%$#@%$@#$@$%

LOL! Yaping that joker!!!!

And yes, I was kidding about doing all the work. We obviously took turns! :))))
Another thing happened during BBQ too. And it was kindda... disappointing? :\

After dinner, it was just slacking!!!
Then it was card games when Soohou joined thereafter. :)

Clubbing in the room y'all!!!
Wait for videos okay? :D You won't regret having to wait for them. LOL!

Promise to take more pictures the next time. ^^

Emo Jasmean PEACE OUT!!!!! :d
Don't treat me like any other you know. Because I'm different. I don't get things like these.

Nobody Nobody But YOU! ♥♥♥
Sigh, because we didn't take a proper group photo, here's just one of them. :)
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