A random GIF to start of this entry because I MISS THEM.
And I kindda miss that place... Lol. Wanna go trekking again!! ^^ The nice smell of the forest, great air... ... ...
Day started out early with a briefing (waited for 20minutes!) to a photosynth-ing competition I took part with other classmates of mine. CAN'T WAIT TO START SNAPPING! I wanna win the prizes!
After which, AngelSky8-ed before meeting with my competition team mates again (waited for an hour!) ; in hope to start and finish off one of the themes we picked. BUT! It drizzled pretty badly?! Lol. So we end up dropping the idea and I headed down to find the guys.
PS: My patience is definitely increasing! Lol.
CITYLINK WAS FLOODED WITH PEOPLE! Then, I got lost because all I do was to follow the crowd. =.= Really... =.= Took me at least 30 minutes to finally meet up with Gary, Hadi and Darius! Suntec City was WAY WAY worse! Zzz
PS: I was so pissed with myself and everything when I was lost; I almost wanted to tear and drop the idea of going to the award event... Good thing I didn't!

Finally starting!

Awesome scenery!

Only ones I took during the red-carpet introduction... Lol.

Only picture of SHINee walking in during the red-carpet... Guess why...
I could totally feel the K-Pop & SHINee fever...

They just stood up, flood the pathway and block my view. Lol.
Got to hear them talk only... :(
Hear them talk with really loud screams from fans... =.=
And, today really prove how K-Pop has really entered Singapore. Lol. Any K-Pop song BEING PLAYED will create chaos with crazy fans screaming their lungs out... =.= Yes, just when songs are being played... Super lame only...

Olivia Ong & BY2~~


Their singing improved a lot! :D

LOL! ;)

They acapalla-ed a remix song with many songs inside! Like from oldies to modern to Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance", DAMN DAMN DAMN NICE!

Man !

Like it when he smiles like that. ^^

Alright, I was biased last night... I bothered to only snap people I like or have interest in... But can't blame me... I have a slow shutter speed camera... :(

Alright, this is the exact distance and view we had throughout the event...

I can't remember who was up there... :/

Probably JJ Lin though. :D

There were other artiste (Tanya Chua?) and then some orchestra playing along with 4 singers singing really prettilyyyy. :D So cool!
Afterwhich, what I feared really did happen...

I swear, ALMOST everyone stood up!
I'm 100% sure not everyone stood up because a guy sat down around my area... And I'm also 100% sure that at least 80% of the attendees stood up during this performance!!!

See! And that's only one area! Pfft.
See how they TOTALLY block my view of the stage that's only visible to me without the lights blocking... T.T

Lousy shutter speed my camera has... :(


&Yeah, EVERYONE stood up again for SHINee...

After first song "Replay"... Some interview...

Lol. Can't help snapping even though it's lousy!

The screaming when they performed, talked, BOWED, or waved were... SERIOUSLY SOUNDS LIKE WHEN YOU BLAST YOUR MUSIC TO THE MAXIMUM VOLUME!!!
There's nothing wrong with screaming, chanting and whatever loudly... Just...
*SCREAMS AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS* when they are TALKING totally spells = disrespectful.
Tsk! Almost ruin the night like seriously. Zzz

Thank god SHINee's too awesome, too fantastic and too AWESOME!!!

Onew's last say before they proceed on with "JoJo" then "Ring Ding Dong" - where I tip toe-d throughout~~~
After SHINee performed, crazy screaming ceased, fans slowly left. =.= Eason Chen was up next and about... 1/4? of the audience were WALKINGOUT... -.- It's either because they were really worried about their transportation to go home OR, they were all simply being extremely disrespectful and a pain in the butt! x.x I'll go for the latter option.
Anyway, Eason was pretty obviously upset or disappointed? He didn't really look up to the audience when he talked and sing? At least not that I've seen of when they made single shots of him up on screen... :S
SHINee went back on stage after the entire concert though. LOL. And when they did, everyone stood up again. =.= When they waved, *SCREAMS*, when they bowed *SCREAM EVEN MOREEEEE*... Lol.
Onew's cute though, bowing A LOT! Lol. Like even to some Taiwanese actor, I reckon he knows him at all.. Lol. Nice to see him smiling so much. Haha. Don't worry, I won't be on fangirl mode...

One of my favourite shots~~~ (:
Thereafter when everything really ended, we quickly hurried out and met up with Gary... Then his sis and her friend... Home sweet home on the agenda next, and THANKS GARY FOR GIVING ME A RIDE HOME! :D
PS: You really REALLY don't look like Onew AT ALL! Lol.

Nice scenery and you can still see Olivia Ong singing at the bottom! Hahaha.
Btw, she has a really amazing voice! :D
Alright... Shall go get ready to go out! BYE!! :D
PS: I'll definitely invest in better tickets the next time I EVER wanna go to another concert/event! :D