//updated with classic hungry face!

Had a noisy fun-filled end to my Wednesday, last night. ^^ Finally met up with half the clique for dinner~~ :D Chomps chomps chomps chomps!
School was usual. But I'll say - yesterday was the most unproductive 9hours. Started off really searching for solutions but kindda semi-gave up after lunch... Sigh~ Giving up is never the right solution but it'll do for yesterday because... I was restless, moodless and just... easily distracted! :S
Anyhow, school ended as usual... Samuel came by, drove out, impromptu pick-ups; Jolene -> Weishan -> Yaping&Ivy - then off to chomps! :D Quickly settled down and the guys went to order food. ^^

Ivy & Yaping while waiting for us to pick them up. :D

We reached Serangoon!!! :D

Ping's coins for chicken wings~

Bully me ~~~~ :( Pfft.

Jojo~~ Jsister~~ ;)

Nice right? HAHA!

Hungry faces!
Classic hungry face! LOL.

-Food List-
The table was filled with Chicken Wings!!!, Oyster Omelete, Black&White Carrot Cake, Noodles, Blurr blurr (gong gong! Lol.), Sugar cane juice!, other drinks, stingray and I guess that's about it... :/ *Hungry now~~~*
-Food List-
(FYI, I'm listing them down because I'm bored... BORED!!! You know? BORED! Lol. Waiting for friends to annouce the lunch time. LOL!)

Okayyy. So... dinner was filled with loud chats and laughters. ;) Food were fabb-bu-louss~ :D Chicken wings craving~~~ Hehehe. Weishan and Ivy ate a whole plate got gong gong!. Amazing only... LOL! It was bland tasting so... yeah... a plate full of that is... :S
After dinner, Ivy introduced us to this playground nearby. Played around, chilled and talked horror, spirits for about.... an hour +++ before heading for McDonald's EYE-SCREAM!!!!
Home sweet home last on the agenda~~~ :D

@ The playground.. Guess who! :D

Trying to get into the child's swing... Joker~ Lol.

LOL! Hilarious moment!

Running to another side to take pictures. ;)

LOL! Spot Yaping trying to get out of the swing~

Old lady spotted!

Trying to get Gary's shoe off his feet. :/

Sam, Gary, Jolene! :D

When you lie down like that, be prepared to be thrown stuffs at... Lol. Especially when you're... ugly? LOL!

Spot Ivy's slippers going up up up! Lol.

For once, we're swapped. Lol.

Shan & I.

LOL!!! Disturbing Jolene only~~

Nice picture. LOL!

Talked spooky~~ Gary just told me today that he was slightly paranoid when he was on his way home. LOL! Before we actually reach the McDonald, Gary made 5 ROUNDS around some circle area. Totally =.= Lol.
Funny thing is, almost all 5 of us girls were screaming and shouting. LOL! Shall upload the audio someday. HAHAAH!

Keeping Jolene out of the car. Hehehe...

Left 30 minutes to the end of our lunch, BYE! :D
PS: Don't keep tabs on people. Just do your own bloody job. Pfft.
PS: This is so... not good. But I can't be bothered. Because you're not going to be part of my future anyway. Things like these are dumb. People like you are f*uped.

-Food List-
The table was filled with Chicken Wings!!!, Oyster Omelete, Black&White Carrot Cake, Noodles, Blurr blurr (gong gong! Lol.), Sugar cane juice!, other drinks, stingray and I guess that's about it... :/ *Hungry now~~~*
-Food List-
(FYI, I'm listing them down because I'm bored... BORED!!! You know? BORED! Lol. Waiting for friends to annouce the lunch time. LOL!)

Okayyy. So... dinner was filled with loud chats and laughters. ;) Food were fabb-bu-louss~ :D Chicken wings craving~~~ Hehehe. Weishan and Ivy ate a whole plate got gong gong!. Amazing only... LOL! It was bland tasting so... yeah... a plate full of that is... :S
After dinner, Ivy introduced us to this playground nearby. Played around, chilled and talked horror, spirits for about.... an hour +++ before heading for McDonald's EYE-SCREAM!!!!
Home sweet home last on the agenda~~~ :D

@ The playground.. Guess who! :D

Trying to get into the child's swing... Joker~ Lol.

LOL! Hilarious moment!

Running to another side to take pictures. ;)

LOL! Spot Yaping trying to get out of the swing~

Old lady spotted!

Trying to get Gary's shoe off his feet. :/

Sam, Gary, Jolene! :D

When you lie down like that, be prepared to be thrown stuffs at... Lol. Especially when you're... ugly? LOL!

Spot Ivy's slippers going up up up! Lol.

For once, we're swapped. Lol.

Shan & I.

LOL!!! Disturbing Jolene only~~

Nice picture. LOL!

Talked spooky~~ Gary just told me today that he was slightly paranoid when he was on his way home. LOL! Before we actually reach the McDonald, Gary made 5 ROUNDS around some circle area. Totally =.= Lol.
Funny thing is, almost all 5 of us girls were screaming and shouting. LOL! Shall upload the audio someday. HAHAAH!

Keeping Jolene out of the car. Hehehe...

Left 30 minutes to the end of our lunch, BYE! :D
PS: Don't keep tabs on people. Just do your own bloody job. Pfft.
PS: This is so... not good. But I can't be bothered. Because you're not going to be part of my future anyway. Things like these are dumb. People like you are f*uped.