The week started off really good. Monday ☺~ Tuesday ♥~ But it seems like the week is gonna end rather bland. After the concert on Tuesday; I ended the day with a buzzing sound in my ears and this throbbing in the head at 1AM.
I reckon it's the late end to my Tuesday that has caused these past two days of.... near.. agony? :/
Since then, I've been having slight headaches on and off (In fact this has started since last week. Zz) but what's worse is the never ending tiredness. I can't really focus on my work; feeling damn dogged. Can only blame myself for not being disciplined enough and still sleeping after 11:30pm even after a day of work. ==;
"I must sleep early tonight" is what I tell myself EVERY SINGLE WORK NIGHT. But nuuuuuuu, I always end up sleeping after 11:30pm. ==; Feel like showing myself the finger. #justsaying Good thing is, this weariness only affects me heavily in the morning. When it's near noon, I'll usually just work like a zombie. Less tired but still tired. LOL.
Addition to this already kindda horrible feeling; My new facial product has to make it even worse. ==; Right now, my face is so dry it feels so freaking stiff and slightly painful.. DOUBLE MAJOR SIGH. :'( Stupid pigmentation have to reappear and now I don't even want to go out for lunch. Paranoid much as I try to cover my mouth as much as I can whenever I talk to another. :'(
This end to November and inauguration to December is starting out a little bit FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. But it's only the start; things will turn for the better. Next week is gonna be awesome!!! (No plans yet, but I can promise myself that. Keke.)
Gonna sleep my lunch off!