Sunday, February 07, 2010

A Love-Hate Kindda Thing

Family - a love-hate kindda thing.

I love my family. But we all know how, at times, things just don't work out for everyone in the house. Still, I know I'm madly in love with this crazy family of mine. ;)
Made out of: an extremely supportive Dad who sometimes end up being damn sarcastic but still a man I respect and love (though, I really don't appreciate sarcasm from him) - a silly, cute and yet dominating mother who just loves to yell (goddamn loud, those that sends chills down your spine) - and a rude, unreasonable but whiny and rather cute and really noisy (trust me when I typed "really") sister. ;)

Though the house gets turned upside down when one of us lose our sanity, I just love how these differences just cease along with time and we just forget how nasty things, sometimes, end up getting.

Cheesy start to today's entry. Hah.


Today's been a nice day.

Morning - Tuition and reading.
Afternoon - Reading and watching a little of TV (And I really mean little!!)
Evening - Reading
Night - Dinner, shopped, movie-d and reading in between.


Have been occupied and hooked to a fiction Eloise introduced me to. Gosh, totally didn't wanna stop reading it, like for real! Haha. But I had to sleep after 4 hours reading it constantly (last night). ~~~~ Woke up and continued being gah-gah about it. Lol. Been longggg since I last read a fiction. Lol. Finished 24 chapters in 6 hours and that's about 83k words. Woah~ I miss those days I keep burying myself with fictions. Lol.

Technically finished the book in 24hours and I'm kindda happy with the ending. Though I may come off as being a saddist, I really like how the author drafted the story with all the totally unexpected twist here and there and how she actually made the ending imperfect. Haha.

No happy endings.

Love ones being separated and one of the main characters being dead~~~ Lol. I like how the story is so real. (:

But then again, it's pretty tough being addicted to it because I know I have schoolwork to complete; but, to hell with it, the fiction is really good! Lol.

Shall get down to work a tiny wee bit later. ;)

And I guess my habit is back again; being influenced by stories and the style of stringing words into sentences. Pardon me for a while, yeah? (:

Anyway, watched "Tooth Fairy" with my family today! ^^ Great movie. Funny movie. HAHA! But the outing didn't exactly started out as awesome. :S Shall not go into details but, I know I shouldn't have did what I've done... :(


Bonus pictures! Heh.
Gary started toying with my hair. -.- But you know, some guys just suck at tying someone's hair. HAHA! =x Then, Siyi took over. Lol. :(


Yesterday was a pretty rough day.
Failed again, unexpectedly. :S I thought I saw a "PASSED" on the paper, goddammit! :(

Hid in the toilet before the test to force myself to cry so that I could release all tension I was bottling. This sounds dumb now. :S

Then, I started chanting and all so history won't repeat itself like, becoming a nervous wreck. I didn't, I was calmed. Well, kindda.

Started off shaky, but I bet I did well for the middle part (especially circuit! No probs for S course and that other dumb thingy, or both parkings!!) but I just had to screw up the last test. Dammit.

So yeah, there I was with a mere chance of passing (I got 18/20!!!) but had 2 dumb immediate failures. -.- The tester still told me "You need to practice more on the road..." ... Can't believe private student failing on the road when we spend like... 90% on the road. -.-

Anyway, an awesome improvement from 60 to 18 points yeah? HAHAHA. What a joke.

Blame my luck. First time was Jasmine screwing it up though everything favoured her. And now, everything was against her when she could already do a good job. Tough luck we have there~~~

Honestly, I almost couldn't face my Dad. He was the last I spoke to. When I drove his comments "You will pass, it's a fact" kept lingering in my head. "You will definitely pass today" keep haunting me. I love how he encourages me and I hate how much I have to disappoint him. Now thinking about that particular moment, I feel like tearing. -.- I controlled my tears back then. I'm great at it. =x But he saw through me. -.- Still, Jasmine won the battle and tear glands kept themselves safe. Lol. What am I typing?! Anyway, I was grateful Dad came to fetch me after my test. Because, I was more vulnerable than the first time I failed.
I thought if I were to be left alone, I would have cried a river on the way back. . .

Guess I have to be tormented with the whole situation all over again.
The tension. The money wasted. The time wasted... And yeah, you get my draft.


Okay, it's like... 4:05AM right now but I'm still wide awake; great! -.-
Shall try getting some "early" rest because I've got to get down to some serious work tomorrow morning. (Damn, I'm glad I'm done with the book!)

Goodnight earth-bounds!

PS: Bad guys might really be hotter than the good ones. =x