(Prepared a 2009 wrap up entry scheduled to be up later, right before midnight! Stay tune!!)
We all know today's the last day of 2OO9, but honestly- i don't really feel the excitement about the year ending. It's just like any other day...
I guess it's because a new year no longer indicates a new level/year in school like the past. Still remember how i used to grumble and complain that holiday's ending and school's starting. Now, it doesn't really matter. :/
Looking super forward to countdown activity later with NPCONCC anyway! (: my very first time, mother allow me to countdown, stay out and enjoy till the next day. Lol.
Sad that only 7 of us could make it, but anyhow! It's still going to be great fun. :D
Okay okay!
We were at the last row, look how empty the lecture hall is! LOL.
Gary Soohou and I crashed Yaping Jolene and Weishan's lecture yesterday. Though it was just for a short while, it was nice. :D
(I'm a little lazy right now, so no collages! :D)
Nice picture of the three of them. =x
Soohou and the lady. LOL!
Just nice but blurrrrrrrrrrrrr. -.-
I look to short la!
JUST NICE! Hehehe.
best shot.
Jojo and me! ;)
Guys who can't stand the heat outside.
Front ~
Car-ed to Tampines' IKEA for lunch lunch lunch!! :D
Weishan's last minute join in also. -.- LOL.
The two who waited for fooddddddddddd.
Our foodddddd. I think we ordered a tad too much. LOL.
There were leftover curry and chick-hen. hehehe.
Packed place.
Planning. LOL.
We had many suggested plans for the day. But because of many other reasons, we had to keep changing and end up deciding on IKEA shopping before settling at someone's place for CARD GAMES!! :D
Spot Weishan! :D
It's not that difficult. hehehe.
10 continual shots! :D
Yaping kept moving and Samuel just walked around. . . LOL!
Spot Sam shopping for... soft toys. ;)
LOL! We had to retake because there's something disturbing at the back lo.
While Gary and Yaping were paying their buys.
Over at Yaping's. x= Jolene was really sound asleep. hehe.
After which, I persuaded Yaping to let me watch TV. HAHAH. We had a nice time watching and I was late to be home, as promised. :(
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