Thursday, December 31, 2009


2009 is coming to an end real soon! Time really flies, doesn't it?

***By the time this entry is published, I'll be having an awesome time with my best friends! :D So, stay tune for my next update about my countdown celebration! :D

2009 has been a rather good and refreshing 365days with inevitable ups and downs along the way. Though there has been many good and bad experiences and emotions, I've definitly grown from changes and impacts of people and things...

Life was good.
School was tough.
Got to know a few (ugly)facts about humans.
Y2S2 Time table rocked.
Great 18th.
Picked up driving. Failed though. LOL!
Became a fan.
And I guess that's one of the reasons that lightens my mood during cloudy days.
Love my TV even more. =x
Activities were all fun-filled and damn enjoyable. xD
Broaden my circle of friends.
Continued loving my life. ;)
Wahhh! Many many! :D

All in all, I'm glad I've always kept a positive mind and remembered only the good stuffs. Hehe. Hope to bring this mentality up to 2010 till forever! :D

A million things can happen, a million things can change; all in just 365 days.
And so, my resolution for 2010 would be:
Treasure every single moments (&seconds) of my life before I regret or starts messing things up. :D And to love and treasure my family, friends and worthy things with every heartbeat. And I hope everyone I love gets a fantastic 2010; or at least only remember the good stuff. :D

When the clock finally strikes 12mn, like Abracadabra! magic, and 2010 kicks off with a bell Ringing Ding Dong in my head - I'll keep all the Sorry Sorry matters behind and only Replay good memories. (:
My family and A.MI.GOs will be Love-d Like Oxygen by ME ME ME! :D

Yes, this is how freaking bored I am. LOL!


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