Talking about first kisses when we were chilling~ :D
//This entry is slightly edited... (: Well, I was almost half-dead last night when I was filling this entry with words. So, I was pretty not satisfied with them... Hehehe. If you're here for pictures and not bothered with text; just ignore them uh. :D
Posted: 06OCT09 ; 11:47AM
OMG! I'm really blogging before 12mn today. LOL!
Gary, you should have bet on that. ;)
But, you can't blame my enthusiasm; BLOGGER IS UPLOADING MY PICTURES IN A SUPER FAST SPEED!! Lol. Even I can't catch up with it.
Is anyone having problems with uploading pictures?
Aww, I think blogger lurbx me manii manii~ LOL! hehehe.
Spent more than 12 long freaking FANTASTIC hours with
If this is the third time you've read me trekking at that place; GOOD FOR YOU! *there I'll give you a mini kiss. ;) And if you haven't? Just go stare at the nearest wall. Tsk! Lol.
First Time!
Second time~~
Click them if you are a wee bit interested. LOL. Help me increase hit count.. kekeke..
*Sits straight* Sorry, I got a little carried away with being high. (:
Well, less nagging here; pictures up ahead. I'll just nag along the way. :P
Walking to the place. I walked to the wrong one initially. ;x Fail direction sense I have. Lol.
Yaping woke up at 8am. When the meeting time was 8am. LOL! So, Weishan and I had a boring and leg-torturing time waiting for her. Tsk! (: And, we had a fun time tricking Gary and Jolene. =x NOT MY IDEA ONE OKAY! *inserts angelic icon* Lol.
Side Track: Yesh, I'm still being berry high for nuttings~ LOL!
*slap self*
What we did to trick them: We had the usual deal that latecomers were to treat drinks. And because we were running pretty late due to... :) we decided to just lie our way through. LOL. When the train was at... like... Boon Keng? I can't remember but it was quite far from DG, we told them we were at DG waiting for them already. LOL! Little did we execpt the whole station to be empty. Zzz
So, they end up walking around for a while before boarding the train. They were then, one train ahead of us. And since we were lying already, we continued lying say we reached Vivo already. LOL! I have no idea why the mastermind was so loser luh. Tsk! Lol. It's only treating drinks what. tsktsktsk... Lol.
At the end of the day, there were no treats at all... :(
Finally met up with Gary and Jolene; headed off to Subway for breakfast before we set off AN HOUR LATER! Lol. Breakfast wasn't exactly in the initial plan but Yaping had to fill her tummy so.. yeah. (:
Morning started out a little bit ... out~ But fret not, there's us to change the mood!
BUDGET ah! Are you happy you've got 4/7 of your best friends by your side today when you... :) GREEDY UGLY BUCKY SHORTY WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU YOU YOU!
And there's nothing to hate about... you know what la! Tsk~ Best friends right? Lol. Best friends forever some more. ;) YOU HAVEN'T SAY YOU LOVE ME LEH! Hmpf
And, I haven't receive that fail sms of yours. Stupid phone. Lol. Throw it away already. =x
Nicer shots this time round because there was a show off Ugly with a DSLR... Lol.
It was a nice, funny and ... pretty walk. Other than the excruciating fact that the first few 20minutes almost killed us all~ Lol. Stairs are like.. SCARY only.. My legs were ALMOST numb. I think I'm old. :( For the past two experiences, it wasn't as bad as today. :'( Or maybe, I'm so old I can't even remember the past experiences. Lol.
And then again, maybe because we were talking and laughing a lot on the way. LOL.
Laughing too much makes me weak and tired because it makes my tummy sore. LOL!
Jasmine Weishan
*chatting chatting chatting*
"Did you apply sunblock"
*stares straight at me* "Oh shit. No."
End up, most of us were sun burnt in the areas of our arms, cheeks and a little of our nose. Especially Jolene Yaping and myself. Lol. I realise them only when I was bathing. Zzz Lol. I don't really like the idea of red nose but I kindda like pinkwish cheeks because I don't look as pale. Kekeke...
Before almost dying~ LOL!
Jolene was damn damn damn cute! Lol. She almost couldn't stop complaining luh. Hahah~ And her voice.. yeah... Lol. One word: Cute! :D
For the whole trip; I can conclude that Jolene and Yaping can unofficially overtake and be a substitute to Soohou. HAHA! Well, they are really two funny, bimbo-tic, noisy and pretty! jokers. ;) I think the ones that made us laugh most is the two of them. Haha.
This is like... only... 1/5 of them. And they are all longggggg and freaking steep! :D
I never fail to repeat this whenever I blog about trekking over at harbour front. Lol. Pardon me but I just can't help repeating. ;)
The surrounding was really nice... Greens... All green...
Best way to get a breather from hectic routines...
Just enjoy the images uh. I'm a bit lazy to put in words. LOL!
And, I wanted to just upload pictures and sleep BUT!
That Loser Budget Tan wanted to view the pictures so; I'm being a good best friend and is doing her a favour. hurhur. ;) I AM THIS NICE OKAY! Lol.
Talking and walking~ HOW CAN?! Lol.
And, I think Jolene's complaining already? Lol.
Fret not; when we're infront of the camera, we'll look like there's no kick to climbing the killer stairs. Haha!
Another flight of long stairs... One of the many many.
Yaping is always ready for paparazzi~
And... maybe not. LOL! I have totally no idea why Weishan's being so... ew ghostly? Lol. She already is ghostly and this just makes it all worse. LOL!
YES AH! Last flight of steps! Yayness! :D :D :D :D
Even now; I feel relief looking at it. LOL!
Just kidding la okay~
Follow my steps and you won't be lost.
Well, to be frank... I led the wrong way like... thrice? LOL! Old memory fails okay~ And, it was ages ago since I last went there. The routes all look the same one what! Lol~

First five minutes water break.
Jolene was so enthu to call that luh. HAHA! She also called the second and third water break. ;) All in all, we had... 3 water breaks! LOL~
Browsing around... Enjoying the scenary...
But by here, there were already sights of buildings. hurhur. Singapore - the small red dot. (:
Gary was that far back to take his artistic shots. LOL! And this picture is even after zooming~~
Candid, I like. ;)
NICE RIGHT? Lol. Guess who's the amazing photographer. ;)
Was suppose to be a backside shot but tsk! Yaping spoilt it. Lol.
Through this hiking/trekking, I really feel the bond and closeness between us. Though it was only the 5 of us this time round; I'm a little glad there were only the few of us. Lol. At least, I think I got a little more closer to all 4 of them... Weird.. I have totally no idea why I am being so sentimental now.
Honestly, I think my brain is malfunctioning now. Lol. I'm like having a tough time controlling my left eye (Good friends know why) and is just simply.. staring... :S
But nahh, I'm being serious about that sentimental part. LOL!
I really feel loved by friends uh. Though I'm extremely lame and stuff. HAHA! And yeah, maybe sometimes annoying? LOL!
Ugly and I. :D Lol.

I really like the shot with Yaping jumping up. Haha.
One thing good about Gary's DLSR, it takes almost perfect jump shots; because I don't have to have so many fails to select from. LOL. 1 time and it was good! :D
(Don't go lame with me with this Gary. Lol.)

Gary's self-claim artistic shots.
There were freaking MANY pictures of just scenary and just fail shots la! Lol. We supposedly took like... 500-600 pictures?! But if you just count the numbers of us in it; there's like already 432.. LOL!
Budget, Shorty. LOL.
>ELOISE! SEE! The purple one I was telling you about! They are okay what~ Lol. Not ugly la. ;)
Yaping was seriously grabbing Jo's leg because she always slipped. Lol.
It was a slightly steep slope kayyyy? :D
Finally at the peak! Lol.

Gary and his shots~ Annoying when you're climbing stairs okay~ Lol. Only Yaping is enthu enough to be involved. Lol...
Heheh. I was the extra. ;)
BOF F4 style inspired. ;x LOL!
Okay okay, very out of the actual one because there's a pretty obvious hole ... :(
HHAHAHAHHAHA~ That's for saying I'm one okay~ But this is a bucky ruhua. Lol.
Matching colours~
10 continual shots up next~

Shan's bag broke.

Hehehe... It's a GIF.. Let it load and look at our retard-ness. LOL!

Because he was snapping me...

Time for revenge!

Spot our fans behind. LOL!
This was a pretty tough shot uh! Lol.
Because they couldn't really stay in that position for a long time. So we took a long time to take one perfec one... kekeke.
They look damn sweet right! ! ! Lol.
At the same time at this very moment. This stupid guy here is trying to pick a fight with me about some stuffs. You better watch out ah! Lol. And start using bleach or some strong stuffs to wash your blurred eyeballs!
I like shots like these. Real time. :)
By me by me!! Lol.
Crop Jolene off, crop her off, crop her off. Lol.
The only thing I love about Gary's DLSR, is the fact that I can see what I'm self-shooting. LOL!
Keeps blurring my face and taking clear shots of the people and things behind me lo. :(
There's another similar shot that's damn cute! A bit retarded but seriously damn nice. LOL! Yaping's idea.

Thinking about new stuns? Or just staring blanking bimbo-ly? LOL!
2 GIFs below~!! Let them load finish okay? :D

"I want nobody, nobody but chuu~~" :D
See what I mean by blurring my face and focussing at my background instead? Lol. But I like this shot. LOL! Blurr means not very clear and that means, not much details too. LOL!

GIF again~~ Lol. Gary trying to snatch Weishan's fan~~~ :D

Another GIF~~ LOL!
I love this shot to the max like seriously! Even the shoe looks better than the owner. =x
Typical~~ Lol. But I understand why Weishan does that. kekeke.
We still got red noses okay~~ Lol.
Kiddy smile of Gary's. But no matter what expression he has; he still has the funny face that makes one of my friends laugh just by looking. LOL.
There's like many other failed shots of trying to capture the bubbles because it was very windy!
The bubble forming up is so nice la! Click to enlarge. ;)
No idea why I closed my eyes...
Sorry if I'm just randomly filling the pictures up with captions. LOL! Eyelids heavy la~~ Lol.
No 13000 words for you, Eloise~ Lol~
After like chilling at the previous spot for... 1/2hour?! Lol. I finally decide to just move on or it'll take forever to reach the end. ;)
Beating to hot hot sunny sunny weather..
I.AM.SO.FAIR. And, I don't think the scarf on Yaping actually work luh. Lol.
Another shot I like. (:
Finally back to some greens...
Don't ask me what's the difference in the two pictures. If you really wanna know. Click them both to view the enlarged and compare them yourseld. Lol.
J Sisters and the Foreigners! Lol.
(Inside jokes~~)
Waiting for Gary to finish shooting~~~
Still, BFFs forever~~ kekeke.
Continue the trek... Up to more greens...
Gary was really far from us when he took shots of us....

here~ Lol. Please let it finish loading, it's a GIF...
Bridge to the end~~~ Woohoo~~~
Click to enlarge this.
Gary looks really funny. LOL! And, you can zoom in as much as 400% of the picture! Doesn't get pixelated too. ;) That's the best thing about DSLR shots. hehhe.
Fantastic expressions by both of them too. Hahaha!
Oh yeah, by the end of the trip, we were pretty high; we kept screaming! LOL. Like only Jolene, Yaping and I luh. The other two were more of just staring at us laughing and calling us weirdos. Lol. Tsk! Spoilers only~~ =x But it was great fun because the place was damn damn damn serene.... Nice place to just chill and chit chat. That; excluding the climbing and all~ :D
Walking down...
Me and biased Gary again.
One self-shot!
I LIKE THIS! Lol. But you can't really view the whole background. There's another one with the beautiful background in the later part of the entry under my favourites. kekeke. ;)

Honestly. I have no idea what's wrong with these people! The last two times I went there; THE PLACE WAS FREAKING CLEAN! No drawings but dumb idiots; just clean nice trees, shelters and bamboos!
And now after a while; these morons decide that it'll be fun leaving down words and spoiling the stuffs there.
Super annoying!
They should grow up, get a book and doddle over it not all over the place! Tsk!
The thought of it is just. Zzz
That place is so nice; not a place for people to do graffiti one leh. Zzz
Finally to HortPark! It was a pretty place as I've last seen it! Hehehe. But we didn't get to walk down the other side because we were too hungry. LOL!
Act only la. =x
Nice picture right? LOL!
Even the statue looks better. =x LOL!
Walking in desperately in need of air-con.. LOL!
This place/room was used to be filled with pretty furnitures. But today, everything was taken away except for that chair Weishan's lying on. LOL. But still; we made full use of the space. LOL! Shall upload video when I am absolutely free.
10continual shots up next.

:D With Gary~~ GIF HEREEEEEE~~~
:D Great girls to hang out with.. :D
After which, we headed out to look around not long before we sat down again. LOL... Sat there and just stoned. LOL!
Playing with bubbles... Because of the wind and the bright background, no bubble was really visible. Zzz

Gary took over~~
Nice? :)
And more blowing by Gary... lol.
Finally, you can see some bubble... Lol.
Behind every pretty photoshoot, there'll bound to be some people doing some hardwork to make it look pretty...
See what I mean? LOL! Classic picture also. Haha!
Love this picture! Love the colours. ;)
There were a couple taking wedding photoshoots really near us. We couldn't control but sort of stared at them. Lol. The bride's really pretty! And I really like her gown. Haha~ But, I don't think I'm that kind of person to wanna be sweating my hair out in that outfit... Haha.
Had a fun time discussing about future wedding likes and stuff. So nice! :D
Afterwhich, some of them were too hungry to even play along so we headed out for lunch! :D Cabbed down to the nearby Ikea while Weishan headed to some place. Lunch was fantastic!
Yes, just for the 4 of us; we ordered that much of food!

Are you feeling hungry now? LOL! They look damn damn damn damn damn freaking delicious from the DSLR la! Tsk~ Lol.
All Jolene ordered and ate....
No, I'm just kidding. LOL. We shared every single thing... Well, almost. Jolene had her laksa to herself. Lol.
After eating, it was stoning time! HAHA~
Went to toilet before walking around...
Looking around...
I really like the colour organisation. RED IS LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE~~
See me and my lookalikes?! Lol.
Honestly, I don't even think I look like them. It's a long story how I got my nickname. But nahh, I'm not going to talk about it. Reminds me of too many stuffs in which; I just don't wanna think about. And now, I've started this topic; I might have hell after this. Tsk!
Though Weishan missed lunch, she was around us afterall~ LOL! Spot her okay? :)

Ahhh! The dog soft toy is so cute la... The person holding it? I thought it was just some ugly holder of the toy... LOL!

Oh. Didn't know I did a collage and uploaded the same thing again. LOL.
Aish... My limit quota for photos is almost up. How how how how how??? Should I switch to something else? :(
I am in love with self-shots using Gary's DSLR!!!

Hehehe. See what I mean? But, the DSLR is so heavy, my hand can't help but really tremble when I hold it.. :S
After slightly digesting out food; we cabbed back to Hougang. LOL! Very unhealthy but yeah... That's the only way out for lazy people. Haha! Headed to Hougang Mall first to get some things and rent some movies before going back to my plcae to chill. The movies we rented WERE ALL A WASTE AND ARE FREAKING LAME!
Horror TOTALLY not like horror and comedy totally NOT like comedy. Zzz Stupid. Wasted our money only...
Spot us! LOL.
On the cab back to Hougang. The other two look so funny. Haha.
Can you see Jolene, Jasmine and Weishan? ;)
Witness some J Sister love. ;)
See what I mean by acting ghostly?! Lol. Weird...
YAPING!! Funny only~~ LOL~
Along the way; I can't remember when, we started to discuss about our Christmas plan. And and and, Jolene and I can't stop being excited about it!!! Lol. Yes, I know it's like 2 more months to it and I have like a major test coming up; but who cares? LOL! Having fun is more important right? *inserts my msn ch33ky emoticon*
Can't wait for X'Mas! Can't wait for X'Mas! Can't wait for X'Mas! Can't wait for X'Mas! Can't wait for X'Mas! Can't wait for X'Mas! Can't wait for X'Mas! Can't wait for X'Mas! Can't wait for X'Mas! Can't wait for X'Mas!
Blurred but loved~~ LOL.
It was that green, that relaxing, that amazing, that serene but; you don't get to see much sweat of ours; and the climbing!!! LOL. Still pretty~~
Favourite among all the self-shots! :D
***I have a fetish to meet at 8am. LOL!
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