Tomorrow's the start of a new term again.
I haven't had enough fun, enough rest and enough time to watch all my serials!! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Oh well... It's been a pretty great term break though. :D Spend most of my time resting, having fun and watching TV/serials. LOL!
But still, 2 weeks ain't enough for someone who totally loves spending time in front of the TV. ;) (I realise; I can live without everything else except my TV! Lol.)
&&GARY! I'm only done with 1 of the 4 serials you lent me. =x
Anyway, I'm still glad I fully utilised my 2 weeks; sleeping freaking late and waking up real early! HAHA!
BUT! I haven't touch anything that relates to school. Bahhhhhhhhh! How how how how how??
Well one good news (to me) for the new year, 2009, I've got tuteeeeeeeeeeee! Yes ahhhh!
Tutee = Work = Income!!! :D :D :D :D
BUT ANYWAY~~~ I'm gonna try to buck up this term and chiong chiong chiong!! Lol! Hopefully, Jasmine's able to mug for her exams and score pretty, pretty, pretty, prettily!
(I've been mostly sleeping last term. ahhhhhhhhhhhh!)
So, how did you spend your 2 weeks? :)
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