Monday, June 02, 2008


I really should do a blog mainly about Gary's silly acts.
Especially with his very very slow reaction and his forever clogged ears!

Guess what he did today! Zzz

Well, we took 72 together because he had to give tuition. Then, when I was about to alight; I asked Gary to help press the bell the one that signifies I wanna alight.

I said: "Bang wo an ling" twice.
It means: "Help me press the bell" in Chinese.
Gary returned me a very stunned look and asked me to repeat. Zzz Guess what he heard I say.

"Wo an lian ni." Zzz
It means: "I have a crush on you." in Chinese.

Crazy right?! LOL! He even continued claiming that I love him. Zzz
How thick skinned can a big headed dollie be?! LOL.

Reminds me of some other really funny things he has said. One of them, on mother's day.
He asked us where can he get florist in any nearby floral shop. LOL!
I didn't know we're suppose to give florist as Mother's day gifts. LOL!

Enough about this silly guy.

The density of people in society is so thick that we forget that life will end one day. And we don't know when that one day will be.

Can't remember where I heard that from.
Wasn't in the mood to talk today. :/
Just... didn't felt like talking.

It's like... We're insignificant without you.

Okay! Needa rush my speech script and some other tutorials.


PS: Sometimes, life don't always turn out as planned. But, it's not that bad.

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