Saturday, May 24, 2008


It's a rare sight to see Jasmine waking up so early in the weekend,
for no reasons in particular that is.
BUT, the swell in my throat was causing great pain..
& I had this weird dream. Or I should say nightmare that made me feel... quaky.
Come to think of it, I almost cried. Weird huh?

Worse, I can still remember the dream. :(

It was about this disease or better described, pandemic;
That makes one turn this green and their limbs would eventually rot and... sort of.. melt?!
It's gross. Really.
Then in my dream;
My mother and I are unfortunate enough to get that stupid thing.
The dream ended off with this sentence I tried hard not to choke on while tearing:
"Papa... Mummy wanna take a last picture with us..."

Zzz Crappy dream.
I think, I've watched too much gory shows.
The rotting was like those... zombies.. damn gross. Really.

I guess. This is yet another very random post! ;)

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