Friday, November 16, 2007

This, stinks!

It’s such a bad idea to blog but, I need to get some things off my chest.

Well, it’s been a long, painful yet a very great day with Yanling and a pretty wonderful night with Haniza. The only thing I wanna complain about is the ridiculous decision I’ve made to end off the good day – it had practically ended off my day with a sore. I seriously regret what I thought might be fun to do. It made me realise that I’m not all-so-over about it yet. Just yet. Yes, there’s nothing one should regret about but no, this is different; it could and should have been avoided.

Imagine having to set your mind to not think about something like… two or three months ago? But all of a sudden, one stupid test made it all come back. Damn! This stinks. Yeah, I’m a loser who keeps running away from things like these. Come to think of it, it’s not even important. So, why should I even be bothered about it?! -.- That’s the confusing part. But yeah, I’m pretty annoyed by the fact that it smacks me straight on my face with a… “Ouch!”

Again, it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand what the hell I’m typing. Just see it as me being trapped by something that should not be trapping me at all, not even a bit!
Ahhhhh~ It's complicated.

Sorry for such a blue entry. No, I don’t mean the colour of this post but… hmm… the blue mood this entry is being typed with. I can’t help it. Can’t help it at all.

I feel it coming now. Haniza, do you wanna come see it? (: And; Yes, it really hurt when I recalled the memories but no worries, I’m not thinking about the impossible. It's not about the impossible, it's the other. Ahhh~ You know what I mean.

Good night.
*I hope all these would go away. It stinks!

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