Monday, June 11, 2007

i can't believe..

woooohoooo~ my computer is FINALLY fixed!! yeahs! hahas. all thanks to my sister(: no more distortion when listening to music, no more blinking of monitor and no more asking for wanting to use my sister's computer!! hahas. -.-

Cindy's going off to China tomorrow. aww.. i'll miss her.. but then, Darius say i won't be able to miss her because i'll be in China too!? lols. anyway, hope CINDY enjoy her vacation there (even though it's in rural area, it's still a vacation larhs!). lols. (:

ahhh. right, these are the pictures we took yesterday. kindda sad that Soohou wasn't there and that Lance left early missing the photo shoots..
WAIT! lols. before some pictures that is more relevant to yesterdays' celebration, here's some stupid pictures.

Gary say this is Nicholas walking stick at home?!? lols.
and i asked Weishan whether he had these or did he have more? hahas!

then, i realise these beside the ''walking sticks''. antiques..
should be taking up most of Nicholas and Weishans' home yeahs? lols.

Birthday girl, Yanling and me.

Head big yeahs?

BIRTHDAY GIRL!! hahas. i actually asked her to SIT on the cow but she didn't want to. lols.
then, Samuel asked her to kiss the cow's butt which she didn't either. LOLS.

wanted to snap a candid shot but on account on Cindy, i dropped the idea. LOLS!
CINDYY AGAIN~ lols. took this when she was looking at Serene's camera.

GIRLS! hahas.

US! look at Samuel~ forever like that. -.-
i just realise that i'm really forgetful. i tend to think about what to blog when i'm alone but once i reach home and have my fingers on my keyboard; my mind goes blank! and, i hate it when it happens. lols.&unfortuantely, i'm having a hard time recalling what i've actually wanted to blog about.. ohh well..

went for AMaths lessons today, stayed back to complete assignments and left for prefects' meeting? meeting lasted for less than half an hour and i left to go back to our classroom. waited for Gary and went over to Hougang Mall with Gary and Weishan. bought what i wanted and headed for home. like last night, i saw a white cloth "floating" along the bus. &then, i realise it was WEISHAN! hahas. because she waved. XD
i admit i was pissed at first. but slowly, the anger ceased. i was really fed up but, what could i do? text that person but felt even worst at that irritant being blase~ ARH!
anyway, it's good to be surrounded by crazy friends! lols.
was feeling bored when i reached home so i started to take stupid pictures.. hahas.

i'm forever lazy to clear this mess! but, i can't stand the sight of it.. lols.

filled with many rubbish~ lols.

&this is what you get when you don't pack my table. LOLS!

Cindy bought this for me yesterday in Hougang Mall. LOLs.

Got this from Mdm Ong today. ^^
ohh yeahs;
stay FAIR and CUTE! hahas.

ah?!? lols. can't remember when i took this.. LOLS.
P.S: CINDY~ i'm missing you already.. (:
i'll end here then. (:
have to go finish up the research for games. gotta reach school by 7 tomorrow. LOLs.

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