Sunday, October 29, 2006

a summary of what i've done.

wanted to post yesterday but i guess blogger has some bugs (or something like that). i coulcn't open the site at all.

this few days quite happy because kept going out with my parents. hehs.

anyway, wanted to sleep more last night(like today) but xiaoxuan woke me up. it was then, a start of a new day with xiaoxuan. bite and hit me again. it's a miracle for her to wake up so early and drop by my house(at around 1030hrs+?). wanted to go gym but end up walking all the way to somewhere near heartland mall to have breakfast because the gym was kindda crowded. after having breakfast, went home and waited for xiaoxuan to come over again.

had to go to beach road because my mother last minute say got don't know what interview for job. she called that lady in the morning(got the number from newspaper) and that lady asked me and xiaoxuan to go for interview. before prearing myself, i recorded all my activities in a calender and i told my mother i won't get the job. what's the point of working if you only have got 18 days to rest? LOLs. it's a bit exagerating(like that right) but, it's true. i've counted it many times. hais.

went to beach road(around 55minutes ride) and went to the shop. we kindda doubt the address because we didn't expect what we saw. went in and looked for the lady boss and started filling a job application form. xiaoxuan was up for interview first. after that, she went out and it's my turn. it wasn't bad at all. at least, i'm quite impress in myself. compared to the first interview(in pizza hut), i did better. at least, i wasn't nervous nor shy at all. hahas.

after the interview, we went to burger king to meet my mother and had somethings to eat before moving off to the National Library. the third time for the week. however, i'm not the one borrowing the books. my sis, xiaoxuan and i went around scanning for books. as long as the book cover is nice and indicates that it is about romance, we would take it. it was kindda embarrassing because we took about fifteen books to the children's corner for xiaoxuan to start the selection. LOLs. guess what? she end up only borrowing two out of the fifteen. hahas.

went home after that. wanted to play mahjong but end up did not because xiaoxuan had to deliver dinner back home.

as mentioned, i wanted to sleep longer today but i couldn't because i was frezzing cold. my sister forgot to change the temperature before going to bed which in the end made my nose hurt and awfully numb. =]

hmms. about three days(thursday), two mornings ago(friday), because of my stupid mouth, edmond, zariel, bingcheng, chengheng, dickson lee and sayloong came over to my house to ton. asked my parents and they agreed but i was a bit relunctant because it's kindda weird. did nothing much other than play mahjong(until 2330), poker, play station2, uno, computer and murderer. we ALMOST played monopoly because everyone was damn bored. me and sister couldn't take it so light outs were at 0430 the next morning. the next thing i remembered was my mother coming into the room at aroung 0700hrs+ asking me whether i still wanna go out and entertain them(-.-)'' i was suffering from serious headache so i didn't bother nor answer her question but asked her to shut up and go away. mean, i know. anyway, this is the first time and maybe the last time unless i have BBQ or something like that.

my mother wants to book a BBQ pit this coming Christmas around my house and invite my friends over. she's kindda crazy at times. LOLs.

gotta go. wanna go have breakfast.

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