Thursday, October 26, 2006

apart from the holiday issure~

let's talk about other things, shall we? =]anyway, i'm so god-damn glad that my internet connections are finally back!! wahahs! was kindda fed-up when msn messeger prompted me(a thousand times) to clear that troubleshoot but nothing seems to even work. but now, everything seems to work just right. i miss my blog and posting. hahas. was so happy just now when the internet can finally work. anyway, after blogging, i'm gonna reload some songs into my mp3. hehs. having some difficulties creating a playlist but i think navigations will work just fine for me. hehs. life is gonna be real tough for me (also including those taking O's next year). i'm really gonna need to manage my time. this holiday, i have so many camps and courses that are gonna clash. just hope all the things would turn out just fine.

hmms. today, school was cool. all we did was attend the morning assembly and then, we were arranged to our respective class for next year. after the re-arrangements, teachers were collecting report books while student were seen receiving the booklists and stuff.

halfway through, mdm yeo passed me a consent form for the tranings we will be receiving from NYP for infocomm Club. kindda spoilt my mood but i didn't take it to heart. it's a CCA cycle i guess. then, we were called up by mr wong who was distributing the water bottles (damn striking colour) from temasek polytechnic given by the IDA. then, mr wong gave us our certificates (thank god he didn't think of giving it to us infront of the whole school).
more consent forms were coming from mdm yeo. this time, another traning for our drivers' test. nope, not those driving drivers' test but it's like a test related to computer-ing (softwares) which is internationally known. the certificates that is.

after the school was released, stayed back in school for prefects for a few moments before dragging both my feet relunctantly to the bus stop with pei ling (sec.2 prefect) to the bus stop. met up with kar hui(sec.2 orchestra member - string sectional leader) and chatted with both my juniors. missed the first 62 and boarded the next.

the bus wasn't very squezzy(it is like this?!?) but it was crowded. then, realise bingcheng and company was boarding the bus. well, my first question to them was: "where's jiaxuan". one of them (i can't remember who but i think it's dickson) said that she was behind but i asked about two three times more and, one of them (dickson, i think) said that i was teasing jiaxuan because i really didn't see her. hahas. is this confusing? LOLs. anyway, the guys wanted to go for a haircut and jiaxuan tagged along. i wanted to go home but also followed (in fact, i was forced to) them after going home, washing my face and keeping my certificates.

slack around the salon and, i was stupid enough to go to jiaxuan and my stylist (sort of) and had my fringe cut. urg~!!! kindda regret it. i merely told her that one of my teachers (mr. rafi) asked me to tie my hair or have a change of hair-style because we are going to sengkang primary school this coming monday to sell/promote our school. then, the lady susgested to trim my fringe. it doesn't seem different but i feel different. after so long, my fringe, my LONG fringe was ruin all over again. sians. =]

kindda crave for a round or two of mahjong but end up having short of players. sians.

my sister is having company while i'm here alone with my maid (ironing clothes) playing the computer; or rather, posting.

hais. i'm so crazy about McFLY these days. i like their songs. hehs.

anyway, today's rearranging of class tells me that:

everything changes with time. no point regreting what has been doen; a wrong move or decison maybe. all we have to do is face the fact, the reality, our fate and move on. we can regret but it doesn't change anything unless we strive and work harder to change and re-decide what was wrong.

also, i was sort of visiting and reading some posts of my friends.
i found out that love(feelings, that is) fades when nothing progress as time passes. i also realise that being attached to someone means having two minds, two heads and double of anything else in our body. if we feel that we don't mind about something, we also have to consider what the other party might feel. there are many different people around with different mindset and thinking; we can't force one to change but only to tolerate and accept. if we are able to meet someone, it means fate; if two are together, it doesn't mean forever because death is the next inevitable. hais. sians. so bored!! urg~ i go upload songs le. hehs.

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