Wednesday, May 24, 2006


i'm obsessed! hahas.i'm totally obsessed with it.if i not wrong, i started playing badminton last friday.hahas.then after that day, i'm obsessed with it.couldn't stop thinkin about it.maybe because it's been tough being me bahs.hahas.been abit agressive.tsk! should change.hahas.

well, nothing special happened today.after school, we stayed back in mdm ong's homeroom and completed her maths homework.phew~ luckily i didn't do it at home or i'll confusing.then after finish maths, me gary jiaxuan soohou jianhui and eugene rushed home to get ready.we had to meet up at hougang sports hall at 1530 but no one reached there before that time except kaixiang which most of us don't know he was coming except samuel and fengni. tsk! mother came over at around 1700+ played a game with me and jiaxuan and eugene, the one who don't bother to play badminton well. lols. then she went home.after the game, we went to puggolCC to book for fridays' play.hahas.

have been home rather late these days because of badminton but my mother haven't breathe a word.that's news.hahas.anyway, just hope that i won't be called up tomorrow for not attending the lame TAF thingy. hahas. hated it.really feel like killing the teacher. tsk!

that's all i think. gotta finish my computer studies homework. just realise i haven't done it yet. lols. buh bye!

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