Here's another entry filled with Sugar taken over the month! :)

Here's Sugar on my parents' new bed.
Apparently, the bed is way too high! Everyone of us has to use a stool to go up on it. LOL.

Night walks~ Lazy Sugar just sitting and enjoying the night breeze~

One fine morning, no one inform me that Sugar haven't had breakfast and I left home in the afternoon. :O
Here's her with her "breakfast" at around... 2pm?! Lol.
Dad fed her and she refused to eat.

And so... my Dad gave up and put her on their bed.

She's all nua and like "I'm sick, and hungry and weak..." LOL.

Here's Sugar and a moth. Happened just tonight!
She's like curious about it but when it comes near her, she freaks out. LOL.
It was damn funny to watch.
But my sister hid in a corner because the moth was super active!

Moth 1, Sugar 0.

One day, I woke up and saw this...
So funny!
Father and daughter sleeping.

&This is the next morning.
My father calmly doing reiki but you see Sugar letting herself go and like.... flashing her body. LOLOL!!!

One of the Friday nights with Mei Hua! :D
Ice Edge icecream after a satisfying Korean dinner. ^^

Walking Sugar one fine day and the sky was so blue. ^^
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