Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day & A Wedding!

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Yesterday was Father's Day!! And we were one of the many many families who celebrated this special day outside, in town, with our father. ^^ The initial plan was a lunch celebration with our mother, but she cancelled the plan because of a wedding dinner she was attending at night; she didn't wanna rush around. I'm glad my sister and I still went ahead to plan something for our father though.

First time hanging out together with just the three of us. ♥

So..... Our plan was simple. Dinner > Movie. But we finished our dinner way too early! Lol. End up chilling at TWG after shopping around a little. :) AH! But before dinner, we went to the hotel where my mothers' goddaughter was having her wedding. To snap some pictures and be a little busybody. :X

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Us and my mother's bestfriends. ^^

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Leaving the hotel, going to our father and heading over for dinner! ^^

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Cocoa Steamboat Buffet! :)

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We basically had... two servings of their standard order. -,-

It was quite a waste of our money. Paid almost $50 per person and didn't manage to eat much. The fish and cockles didn't taste very fresh too! So... we paid $50 for an almost 45-minute dinner. We really should never go for buffets!

After dinner, we walked around a little because there was still about... 2 hours till our movie. We didn't really walk much though.. Walked from the International Building to ION and then one round about Forever 21 before settling down at TWG. Lol.

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Not too sweet or chocolatey.

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Free cake for the father! ^^

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Happy face as he enjoyed the cakes, scones and his Longevity tea. ^^
Yes, we were very bloated from dinner but we still manage to eat two cakes and two scones. LOL!

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Caught "Maleficient". It was a nice movie. Nice, but not something I would choose to watch in the cinemas. There weren't any nice movies showing over the weekend though. Boooooooo! So "Maleficient" it was! My sister was watching it for the second time because she really liked the movie. Lol.

After the movie, we hurried back to the hotel because the bride's family was waiting for us. :O Mother and her bestfriend wanted to take a few group pictures together. ^^

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And that was how we ended the night.
It didn't feel like a Sunday though. Not that there's any difference for me. :/

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OH OH! There's something worth mentioning too.
My mother bought me a gold key yesterday!!!!! ^^
A gold key that has value but lacks meaning. MY MOTHER STILL REFUSE TO LIFT MY CURFEW!!! Urgh.
But at least I have a key now. A gold key. HEHEHEH.

Some more camwhore shots with my new key to end this entry!
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