Yes, I was the lightbulb for the day. xD

Jiaxuan has been wanting to do some trekking and so we did! :D
After having delayed this trekking trip three times, we have finally met up this morning!
We planned to meet at 10am but only got together at 11am and managed to start trekking only at 12pm. x,x
Thanks to Dickson ah......... :p

Us in Vivo City's toilet after a hearty breakfast in MacDoinald's. :3

The last time I was there with Jiaxuan and Kesslyn dates way back in 2008. :O
Freaking 5 years ago..... Lol.
Just in time, we also took the chance to retake some pictures we did back then too. hehe.

Just before the long flight of stairs and while waiting for the-forever-troublesome Kesslyn to change her shoes.
I think age is really catching up with all of us.
We remember very clearly how easy it was when we first did it. We were still able to joke around and take pictures.
But but but, this time.......... we were just quiet and walking. LOL.

View and scent was still as nice though. :3
It's sometimes nice to be out in the sun.
While we were still enjoying the scenery, some Poly students approached us to fill up some surveys.

Third year students, doing their Final Year Projects.
One of them asked "So, you guys are having holidays now?"
I guess we looked kiddy because they actually thought we're younger...
"No dear, we're actually degree holders already......"

Check out the background.

This Kesslyn forever being silly; making us pull her up. Tssssssssssk.

Here is us trying to look for pictures we took during our first trek.

LOL. Cute hor?
I believe Kesslyn look prettier now. ♥,♥ hehe.

hehe. It was quite fun going through old pictures and trying to take similar shots again.

This Dickson playing with ants. He took pictures and videos.
x,x So gross!

We're near the Henderson Wave!!!!

I......... have......... no........... idea.......... what....... Dickson....... asked.... us....... to...... do. x,x

Wow... I just realize the "Henderson Waves" used to be so dirty.

This Kesslyn damn funny.
Kept struggling when Dickson first lifted her; but when I said "Okay, one... two... three"
She quickly posed. Tsktsk.

/failed heart.

Dickson gave a really difficult pose.
Surfing. Zz
And then, I kept falling but Kesslyn was on it very long.
It was super funny while I watch her shake from losing her arm strength. Hahahaha.

Perky butt. xD

It was superrrrrr hot!
But good weather means good pictures! :3

Me: "Give me some attention......"

Me: :((( "These two lovey dovey"

Of course, just kidding.... hehe.

We were screaming from the heat while Jiaxuan adjusted the camera angle.

But the pictures turn out quite nice...



Nice deco at Hort Park!




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