The gifts I got for Soohou, as his Secret Santa, was fairly simple - because I already knew what he wants and only had to get it. Same for Gary, we agreed to not exchange gifts but I felt like doing it anywayz so I got him something he enjoys doing~ As for Weishan, it was a really convenient purchase because I happen to pass by Candy Empire and thought of her. :3

LOL! Yes, I know it's a little extreme.
I also felt a tiny wee bit ridiculous when I lug these up to the cashier. HAHAHA.
But, she likes these! Safest gift choice is to get something they already like/enjoy!
Also my attempt to fatten her up. xD
Anyway, about my Christmas shopping today............
So, there's going to be a BBQ celebration with my Poly friends tomorrow and we had agreed to get gifts for everyone attending.. Which means I have to prepare four presents! But, until today, I was totally unprepared. :X I didn't even have a single idea what to get for each of them either (except Emily, the crazy Doraemon fan). Talk about last minutes, huh. ><
I thought it won't be difficult to hunt for gifts.
I was wrong.
It was challenging because I kept seeing nice things but couldn't decide if I should get them for the person. T^T I never like buying gifts for the sake of it because I don't like receiving gifts that are impractical and just.... patriotic(?). Unless, of course, it's for someone I share a patriotic friendship or if's someone I don't really like. :x
And so, I barely finished getting everyone's gift by the end of my 4 hours shopping date with Weishan today.
I am happy with my purchases and I sure hope my friends would like the gifts I got them. heh.^^

Weishan and her same smile for four shots! :D

Was a 4 hour shopping trip today because I got to her place ten minutes later than planned, we had a longer lunch (she treated, YAY!!!) and because she had to be home by 5:30pm. We got home around 6pm though.
Though just 4 hours of shopping, it was one of the most serious shopping I've done thus far! Never really a shopper because I have a habit of scanning through shops~ Today, however, I tried to go into any nice shops and really look around to find something! :3
Okay, I'm just ranting now.
Leaving this space with one last selca with Weishan. hehe.

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