Pardon for all the messy hair and big nude face shots. Lol. Was already in comfort when Karena suddenly came by to do some baking for John. So sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet these two, cannot tank! xD Lucky for her camera's beautifying function, even the most unglam state would appear okay. Bwahahahhahahah.
Ah! The cake was super easy to bake!! First time getting premix and omg it's really too easy! Just add in some eggs, vegetable oil and mix them together with the premix before baking it. :O And the taste will never go wrong! I now wonder why I always bothered doing cupcakes from scratch. Lol.
I was suppose to help this girl with her baking, because she's really clueless, but I didn't do much in the end because I was too caught up with editing our Christmas video. Currently uploading it to YouTube and I hope it's done in one shot. x,x I hate it when they are almost done uploading and then tell me there's error doing it. TSK.
Took me about 6 hours to compile and roughly do up the video. I hope the clique likes it. HEHE.
&BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. It's already past 3am! :O I am so going to be like a zombie during BBQ later tonight. x,x

/update. It's freaking 5am right now and YAY!!! The video is finally up!!! ♥
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