Spent my morning rushing to complete all my work before baking my entire afternoon away and then going for a really nice dinner with some ex-colleagues. ^^

I've been having this baking desire all over again. ><
Kindda therapeutic...
Gave a lot to ex-colleagues. hehe.

Colors hidden beneath! ^^
Though coloring isn't very healthy, I love love love making rainbow cupcakes because the colors make ME happy. xD

Mine are always pastel though, so it's usually just one or two drops of coloring.
Hardly unhealthy. xD
I didn't have many leftovers so these cupcake pictures are sent by my ex-colleagues. hehe.
I'm happy they liked it.

Looking at these makes me wanna bake all over again!!!! :S
Okay~ So it was raining really really goddamn heavy when I was almost done with the cupcakes. >< It was so so heavy that I could barely see the trees outside. No exaggeration. There were many many thunders too. Almost couldn't leave my house because my mother kept saying how dangerous it would be. Zz In the end, I waited for about an hour before finally leaving my house.
By the time I reached the place we agreed to meet at, they were beyond done with dinner and I had to miss dinner. :( But it was good because we travelled down to The Factory and had desserts. HEHE. Desserts are always always better. HEHE.
Okay, picture spam because I'm lazy already. :x

hehhe. I pulled Kelly's hair. xD

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