Time flies. So quickly.
Our exams are finally over - two days ago. I wasn't and still isn't sure if I'm relieved, happy or worried for my last paper. I should be relieved and happy that months, weeks, days and hours of studying has finally come to an end. But, I'm worried sick that I might fail my last paper. Not that I'm very confident to pass my other papers, I'm just............. I blanked out amidst the last paper. Blanked out really bad. :'( It was so bad that I actually wanted to cry.
No point crying over spilled milk though.
So, all I can and will do now is to pray that I'll pass all four modules successfully and be grateful, thankful and happy to have passed all four modules (working the magic) - all until I finally face the music when results are released. *kneels & pray*

After my paper, all I wanna do was to shut my eyes tight and sleep to forget the world.
Nah, it wasn't that bad. I was just really numbed and blank from the horror I'd experienced from blanking out. :/ I went ahead to meet up with my sister, who made me wait for about an hour, and headed down to town. I didn't really wanna talk at first.
But food cheered me. :X
Checked out Krispy Kreme first. I was actually hoping I could finally catch the hype about these doughnuts but to my horror, the queue.... the queue WAS STILL INSANE!!! x,x It was a Wednesday and was past lunch break but there was still a long line of people. Zz
Since I'm not the type to queue, I ditched the idea and headed down to Ion.
Sister and I wanted to have a good lunch but because she had wanted to get some art stuffs first, we went for some snacks. Finally had some dorayaki (craved for a damn long time!) and shared takoyaki. Sister also bought Dunkin' Doughnuts while I killed my diet with a Red Velvet cupcake from Twelve Cupcakes and two crepe cakes from First Love Patisserie! xD
Unfortunately, my sister dropped my pretty cupcake and I end up having a ugly squashed Red Velvet for dinner. x,x &I finally finally tried some crepe cake today. LOL! Was too stuffed and sick of sweet food.
Shopped for her art stuffs and we walked to shop a little bit more before going down to Mandarin Gallery for lunch. Planned to go for Antoniette but I always forget they don't serve ala carte lunch on weekdays. x,x And their hightea set is so insanely priced. End up settling for Wild Honey and stuffed ourselves to hell before cabbing home. :X

You can't see the meat here but we ordered Aussie.
Something new with beef.
We also had Norwegian.
Punishment for being greedy. x,x
So...... my night ended on a lighter note with a day of stuffing myself. LOL.
The next day was bland. I just slept in and waste my day away..........
Actually no, lol, I worked and cleared off all pending payments and records. Took me hours and gave me a headache. sigh. I'm super glad I didn't take up accounts. Bright bright future but really not my kindda thing. I can't even manage the basics.
The night was good though.
Met Weishan at NEX for dinner before watching "Thor: The Dark World" with Lance.

I was suppose to treat her though; because this insane person suffered so much during exams that she loss a lot of weight! &I once swore I would bring her food if her weight was under 40kg - she was happy to see her weighing scale reading going lower. -,-
Anyway, I was happy for the free ramen! xD
We have a few more places to go together too. HEHE.

Ah~ Movie was good. ^^
Saw a few seniors too.
& as random as I can be, here's an abrupt end to this entry with two random pictures of Sugarsushichua.

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