When our baby turns 22, the entire clique officially becomes 22!!!!
I know, what kindda nonsense is that.
I'm turning 23 in less than six months. LOL.

The clique's baby turns 22 today.
But, we celebrated her birthday last night; a day in advanced to spend the remains of her 21st together and celebrate the second she turn 22. HEHE.
As usual, Karena always research on nice places we've never been to (together) for a good meal and a good time! ^^ The places she chose so far always has good lighting to take pictures and camwhore with. xD It was a simple yet really fun night together with the clique. It's been a really really long time since we had the full strength out together.... In fact, I don't even know if we have ever had all 10 of us together! :/
But ahhh... I can't wait for Christmas chalet now!!!!! HEHEHE. I'm forever hyped up for something that's going to happen in the future. xD That's what makes me look forward to living my everyday! :3
Oops. Digressed. xD
Back. Back.

The weird birthday girl with 4 headgears on. Lol.

Dinner was at a really nice place - 49 Seats.
I enjoyed my Sirloin Steak and really liked their Tom Yam Pasta. But, I would really like to try their Fish & Chips someday! Weishan almost ordered it but I suggested their Smoked Duck Pasta instead. It was good too! But no one else had their Fish & Chips so we didn't get to try and this Weishan is forever getting sick of her pasta halfway through. LOL.

Really like the design of the restaurant.
Check out their staff snapping a picture of their shop in the corner too! lol.

This crazy Weishan suddenly slot in my camera lens cap and made me a pirate. Lol.

Having meals with these two is DREADFUL!!!!
Forever taking ages to take shots for their instagram.

Everyone waiting for their fooooooooooooood.

And after going around taking pictures, the two instagrammers ARE STILL AT IT!!!!

&Here's when our food arrived and became victimized.
My delicious Sirloin Steak become the background to their food shots. :O Insult.

Seriously, by the time they were done, everyone else started eating and our food became chilled. >:(

Just like last year, brownie + ice cream as her birthday cake!
I quite like this brownie. It's very hard. lol.
And Weishan say it tastes like those you bake from mix you can get from supermarkets.

Her nose blowing off the candle. LOL.

Took plenty of group shots because there were shots that someone gets cut off else the angle was just awkward.
We didn't ask for help to take these pictures and used self-timer instead.
We wanted the backdrop thus the angle where no one can actually help take the picture. LOL.
In the end, our shots didn't have much of the backdrop. Zzz

Karena cheated because she was the only one wearing wedges!!!
But hey, my hair looks nice here. xD

Found a brick wall opposite the restaurant and continued to camwhore. HEHZ.

Bachelor of the year~

We later continued the night at Ice Edge Cafe.
Chiu Lee and Lance left early. Lance came back again later though.
Had awesome waffles and dessert to end the night on a sweet note.
But, the night just got sweeter!!!
Chee Fai came by to give Karena a surprise with his self-baked cake!
But she wasn't really surprised because she thought we got the staff to do it. Zz

Joke of the night was this cake!
Chee Fai was really bummed that his cake didn't turn out the way he wanted to.
Gary Weishan Soohou and I were comforting him about the cake and when this topic was closed, Kesslyn had to ask "Is this a Yogurt Cake?" LOL. After explaining to Kesslyn to not describe it that way because we were just comforting him, Jolene said "Why the top part so watery?" LOLOL.
Seriously, we were all seated together but it seem like the other half of the table was in their own world. Lol.
The cake turns out to taste really good! Really.
With the watery top part, it had the texture somewhat like a mud-pie.

Pinching her nose to prevent the same nose-blow-out-candle incident again. lol.

The night ended really nicely with us playing charades together and then taking the public transport back home. ^^
It was a celebration without car which was nice after a while. :3
Oh. Only Lance drove. Chiu Lee Jolene and Kesslyn got rides back home.

♥you forever!

Favourite shots! :D
In this, Gary's monkey face. I never thought his head could look any bigger. XD

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