They came back empty handed because my mother injured herself =,=; and didn't manage to shop much in the end. Poor grandma and her friends, visiting KL to stay in the apartment. I would say it's still worth the trip though, since the apartment is oh-so-amazing. xD
Our parents did buy stuffs for Sugar though! Treats and a bunny toy!
And ever since she got to know "Kong Wooba", they are like bestfriends and inseparable. LOL. Kong Wooba is such a cute name and nope, I didn't name it.... It was on the toy.

Sleeping buddies.

Oh yeah, bumped into Jolene this afternoon in the toilet. xD
She's so cute almost screaming when she saw me. hehe.
Can't wait to see these girls again on Wednesday! <3 Another abrupt end to a random entry. LOL.
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