Sunday, April 14, 2013

Before Exam

About a week more to exams! :O &Since I'm planning not to use my laptop for a while, I thought I should update up to the recent stuffs! :)

Just pictures from Friday night and this afternoon though. xD

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Dinner with Zylia last night at Food For Thought!

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Trying to figure why her eyes look small when I take pictures of her...
Eyes small wanna fake it big. xD

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Rosemary Garlic fries~~

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Creamy Beef Ribeye Linguine
SO SPICY I CAN'T EVEN..........................
It was good though lol.

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Calamari, Prawn & Salmon Risotto

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XX's Malt & Maltesers is good! Tasted like Ice Cream!

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No idea why her friend recommended their Red Velvet.
Cake's hard, the...... syrup(?) was weird.......
Maybe it's just me. Took only a mouthful because I was sick of cakes and too full for desserts.
ps: Not biased with my comments though!

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After our "last lecture" for this semester.
Well, four of us cheated~ We crashed today's lecture because their lecturer IS SO MUCH BETTER!!!!
Can't believe I was able to briefly understand 10(?) chapters in just 2&1/2 hours!!!!

OH YA! Yesterday was an unlucky day.
Planned to crash two other lectures but the first one had some attendance taking going on so, we obviously couldn't cheat our way in T^T and then the next lecture we crashed was having class we ALREADY attended. =,=;

Anyway, so here's the only classmates and friends we have in University...

SAD! lol.

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Okay, I wanted to blog some more but I suddenly got overwhelmed by a sad random thought. Now, I'm all sad and teary. :(


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