Warning: This entry is image heavy! Heavy with mostly camho shots of Shamyn and I!
Met up with Shamyn two days ago but haven't gotten the time to blog about it until today. Also because we took too many pictures that I got lazy to filter, sort and upload. >< Cannot believe we actually camho-ed for two hours and took 211 pictures!!!!! &Just the two of us!!! :O Of course, I'm not uploading all 211 pictures but there's half. lol.
We met up to go Au Chocolat(yes, again for me) because she wanted to give their High Tea set a try. Would say it's pretty good but we should have just ordered one set and tried other stuffs! Anyho~ Picture spam awayyyyyy!

Finally, a proper picture of their logo(?)

The salmon is damn goooood! But so small. lol.
I like the mini burger too~ But Shamyn thought their sauce made it taste weird.

Was quite sian when I saw a Macaroon because I was afraid it would be too sweet.
Surprisingly, it was sweet but not too overpowering. There's even a small piece of fruit (Guessing it's Mango!) inside!
Quite nice.

Our hightea was 2 hours long~ The nice ambiance made it really nice to talk. Shamyn shared some heartbreaks with me :'( and I hope her situation is resolved soon. Thereafter, we headed outside near Broadwalk to camho. Did.not.expect.to.stay.there.for.two.hours!

Looks really sunny but it was not hot at all!

Random shots of the pretty water lilies!

Evidence of it being windy and sunny!
Not gonna caption much unless necessary hereon. It was pretty fun though, I remember us laughing a lot. But I was always reluctant when this girl ask me to take individual shots. >,> This.girl.very.annoying! Lol. And so, my expressions are pretty standard, repeated and/or ugly. :D

I thought I could escape with just one shot.............................

&I quit.

&I quit again. lol.

I think the nicest in her lot!

Right shot so candid!

This was when I wanted to quit also!
This girl no give chance!!!!

Okay, favorite shots of the day!

I thought I look pevy here. hahahahhaha.

When I was really tired and out of expressions. :(

Favourite of all! HEHE.