We've all changed and grown up :')
Actually went for two rounds of dinner becaus Cedele asn't really filling or ideal for Fugui! And also because Hui Yi reached Serangoon only when we were done~ After Cedele, we met up with Hui Yi thinking to have second round a Chomp Chomp ut as usual, it was so pack we had to change our idea. End up having Roti Prata. I was too full though, only shared Indian Rojak! :) Thereafter, brought them to this dessert place in the vicinity before ending the night with an hour of chitchat at Hougang 1's MacDonald. :D
It feels super nice to meet up with people you've supposedly known for a decade. Hurrrr. Hopefully, we'll have more of such meetups ^^

Cedele as nice! Food portion seems small though.

Someone familiar slicing bread. lol.

"Cockroaches" for the night as they offended Fugui. hahahha.
It was pretty funny.