I must be mad to still be up at 3:50AM when I had a really long Sunday and a going-to-be-long Monday! >< It's all because 24-hours a day is totally insufficient to do everything I want to!!!!! But, it's going to be the last night I'm staying up so late~ I promised myself. lol. Gotta spare some thoughts for my facial complexion. &I don't wanna look older than I really am which I already am. T^T Pimples, pop pop pop!!!

Xiuqing held her party on her birthday itself!
&It was held at The Chevrons!
Love that place.

Baby of the farmanimals finally 21 now! :)

BIG BIG poster of her idol, Jaejoong!
Her friend is so sweet! This must have cost a lot.

Picture taken from the room!

The room~ :3

Like this picture! Guan look so happy!

Made her try this dress because I want to make sure I got the correct size.
So sexy. hehehe.
Cheng, I hope you like this dress, the necklace and the pictures!!!! ♥

Stayed most of the first half of the evening in the room. tsktsk.

&They thought I'll end this entry with this picture......................

The beef, the sotong, the chicky and the pork. :3

Stephanie, her great helper for the night!
&Of course, her other friends too~ :D

I think Xiuqing look absolutely gorgeous in this shot so I couldn't resist uploading it. hehehe.
Should have took pictures outside instead. xD

Stephanie the photo-bomber!


Was too full from late lunch so didn't eat much.
I end up chewing on a few sticks of satay at the end of the night thought. lol.
The party had catering, BBQ and I heard, steamboat?! :O

Yingling and Xuai!

Opening her gift!

And shockingly + quickly keeping it after realizing it's sexy bikini.
Cheeky Yingling!

Because The Chevrons also has Karaoke, we killed an hour just random singing! My first song with Emily = "Love Song" hehehehe. We wasted almost ten minutes trying to make someone sing though. lol.

Cheers with coke!
ps: I'm kindda sick of it now. *puke*

Xiuqing taking her first look at her birthday cake!

Home-made by someone she knows!

Yeaps, our supper was BBQ food.

Yingling excited to pull the party-popper!

See how crazy she was!

Weiming, or otherwise known as John(lol), is like the nicest guy in our class! He's the only one who attends most of the birthday parties without the other heartless guys!!!!!!! Second one now I think. :/ But of course, the other guys has NS to be busy with~~~ But still!!!! I choose to believe that Weiming is just nice! At least doesn't need another presence to be present! :)

I'm actually happy and relieved that the pictures all turn out alright! I thought they look rather blurry from my camera initially and was kindda upset because I didn't snap as many pictures as I did for Lim Guan's. Turns out, I look 200 shots for the night and most of them look more decent than I saw! ^^

Prettier smile!!!! ^^
Can't wait for her braces to be off and to see her white pearly teeth soon!!!!

Sing song sing song!!!!

Party popping!!!!
Check out Yingling's face! ;)

She made a few wishes and even gave some to her friends (&us)

Officially the cake-cutter of the class!

Really nice!
Like how it isn't very sweet and really really soft!




Pretty Yingling!

&Check out Emily's bright smile!
I bet she was brimming because she's the only one who can't drink. tsktsk.
Few hours ahead of Xiuqing's party, Emily and I met up early to finally fulfill something we wanted to do even before her Taiwan trip! &That is to have a great brunch/lunch together!!!! ^^ As planned we went to Wild Honey; and I'm still not sick of it yet. xD

I shouldn't have ordered cocktail for lunch. ==;

I never knew mushroom could taste good just on its own!!!!!!
So flavorful, I was the one who scooped the last bite! nomz!

Japanese Weekend Special!

Went back for this this this!
Now, craving satisfied!!! ^^

Guan finally came.
She was suppose to meet us for lunch but as usual she was late!
Acceptable reason though, she had lunch with her granny. ^^
After lunch, took a while to walk to Somerset313 and waited a pretty long time for a taxi~ Rode down to Xiuqing's party and tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
I'm at the end of my entry already. :O
I'm at the end of my entry already. :O


Favorite shot of the party!
Because Xiuqing's gorgeous and my face is unsee-able. xD

Stay blur and pretty, always! ♥