How can it be a birthday without a cake, right? :)

Rachel and I holding our gifts!

Dinner at Fish & Co @ Glasshouse!


&She thought I was only giving her a card like she did for my birthday!
cheh! :p

Hungry face~

Had a really good catch-up session with Sheryl as we met up straight after school! :)
&Oh, she's really silly. It was raining when we were on our way to the restaurant. Silly girl here held the umbrella INSIDE the MRT station. Cute. Lol.

Rachel finished this drink ALL BY HERSELF.
Mad or mad? Lol.

Finally came!!!!!!

We proceeded to order our food and all... We also asked for the cake to be served first. But the soup came first. :( Better though~ At least we weren't eating icecream with an empty stomach!
While I anxiously wait for the surprise to come, it finally did when Syu was mid-way through her soup! Smart Rachel suddenly went "Syu, can I try your soup?" and took it away leaving Syu dumbfounded. Lol.
While I anxiously wait for the surprise to come, it finally did when Syu was mid-way through her soup! Smart Rachel suddenly went "Syu, can I try your soup?" and took it away leaving Syu dumbfounded. Lol.

"Why the hell is Rachel taking my soup?!"


We were even questioning her for not preparing cake!


&Fish and Co.'s usually birthday do.
In the midst of this, I whispered "I'll never wanna celebrate my birthday here"
Lol. It's only good when your friend doesn't know you're gonna do this. ;)


DIG IN!!!!!!

I was talking!!!! :)