Didn't specially plan a surprise or prepare a proper gift for my Dad because his birthday is exactly a week later! Not an excuse to do nothing but well, we want to make sure we're not repeating things. ;)
Just so happen, sister is finally treating the family to dinner too! So, we kindda hurriedly prepared something. :3 Got him a card and a rose! Placed it on the table as a surprise. KEK.

Yes yes, Kiseki again! ^^
This time, it's no longer at Heeren but at Orchard Central! WOOHOO.
Nicer ambiance~ :)

I see new food items added to their spread! Awesome!

Damn shiok!


Red rose for the Dad~ Wanted to get Blue ones but there weren't any. :(

Who says only woman can haz rose! :)

We also gave Dad $20. Well, he asked for $200 but we trolled. ;)

Happy father!

The polaroid turn out kindda funny with the wide smile. LOL.


All blue today because my father loves that color!

What we found in his wallet. :')