-I've actually done up this entry last night but I couldn't survive through uploading the pictures. Was wayyy dogged. &I couldn't upload the damn video, still can't FML, had problems with the pictures this afternoon so here it is, finally done. I'm not impressed with my pictures though. Sat so near but so much more blurr then when I'm further away. ==;-


Saw Xin Yi! Been a while!!!

With my hardcore K-Pop fans. Lol.
ps: Don't say I'm crazy or hardcore if you haven't met them please.



When we still didn't know where our seats were.............


So freaking excited when I saw how close we were. I couldn't believe it!
So freaking excited when I realize I could actually see their faces from my seat.
So freaking excited when a group has done performing. heheheheheheh.
So freaking excited when I know they actually are up next.
So freaking excited when they finally appeared.
So freaking excited when they spoke. LOL!
So freaking excited.
So freaking excited.
Was almost jumping with excitement once in a while too. Especially with my hands! She just kept looking at me and smiling. Probably thinking "Calm down bitch." LOL!
The thought of it now is making me embarrassed. *shy*
ps: You won't understand if you aren't a fan. In fact, I don't understand why I'm like that either. :/

Right infront of a banner for SHINee.
How coincidental is that?!

Un-filled Hall.

Look what I've got from the concert! ♥

Finally starting. :3


Kindda sad to see so many people filming their idols perform. Isn't it a bit waste of money when you try capturing and filming the performances? You'll probably end up watching them from the small screen, right? What difference will there be from watching them on TV then? :/ Weird kids. ><
I am NOT guilty of wasting my money because honestly, I usually just switch on my burst-shot mode and snap away~ But of course, I would zoom a bit here and there and peek at my screen to make sure I wasn't taking pictures of the speakers or just heads. :) I was mostly staring at SHINee when they performed though. :3
Tonight, I took a total of 400+++ images throughout the concert. But, guess how many were actually clear enough to be posted? 60! Crazy much? Further explains why it took me so long to do this entry; there were so many blur pictures to delete! Zzz
There were quite a number of pictures I had to delete because their faces were all flashed out too. I wonder why my pictures tonight, are so much more worse than those I took from seats much further away. Not impressed at all. Lol.
I am NOT guilty of wasting my money because honestly, I usually just switch on my burst-shot mode and snap away~ But of course, I would zoom a bit here and there and peek at my screen to make sure I wasn't taking pictures of the speakers or just heads. :) I was mostly staring at SHINee when they performed though. :3
Tonight, I took a total of 400+++ images throughout the concert. But, guess how many were actually clear enough to be posted? 60! Crazy much? Further explains why it took me so long to do this entry; there were so many blur pictures to delete! Zzz
There were quite a number of pictures I had to delete because their faces were all flashed out too. I wonder why my pictures tonight, are so much more worse than those I took from seats much further away. Not impressed at all. Lol.

B1A4 was up next~
Surprisingly, most of their pictures are rather clear! And I got to capture some fan-service. COOL OR WHAT.


Beansprout dance!

So cute.


Would say they were the best at interacting and creating atmosphere for the night.



Gift from Singapore's BANAs(fanclub name) for his birthday tomorrow.

More songs!

I know this song! "O.K"

Some rookie group.
They are only 2(?) months old. Sorry, but I didn't research on them.

He has a nice smile though. :)

Stephanie's bored face. LOL.
Please don't misunderstand! We did enjoy every single performances! Won't wanna waste our money! That picture was taken when they were just talking and introducing their songs and album!

Jay Park was up next.
I was rather freaking out when I thought Jay Park will come out last instead of SHINee.
I have no idea why though. Leave best for the last? hehe.

Xiuqing yawned twice when Jay Park was performing. TSKTSK.
But she woke up when he took off his jacket and then his singlet. LOL!

He had a cute moment when he went around the stage looking for his microphone. LOL!

Hot bod.
When Jay Park was finally done with his performance. Almost everyone present in the hall was chanting, yelling, screaming, maybe even cussing for SHINee!!!!

So sad that only 4 were present. :(
Minho was back in Korea for another schedule. It feels meh without all five together. :/ Still awesome but less awesome but a bit. ><
My pictures aren't great and I.AM.SO.SAD. Ugh.
Still love my digital camera for being so awesome with her zoom though. ^^
My pictures aren't great and I.AM.SO.SAD. Ugh.
Still love my digital camera for being so awesome with her zoom though. ^^

-Short transition where they changed mic-
Three songs live and the other two songs lip-synced. Kindda >,> but I guess they gave it their all for the dances..... I can say that because Taemin's mic flew when he was dancing Sherlock! Goes to show something right? I remember seeing Key really shaking really hard too. LOL.
Five songs were done like they only sang one song. LE SIGH.
Five songs were done like they only sang one song. LE SIGH.

Awesome live though. As always. :)

Spot Taemin mic-less here!
&Then, it ended. SO SAD. They didn't walk up during their performances AT ALL. :( Would be so much closer. dang.

SHINee hyungs bowed. &Then, there's Taemin.....................


&They bowed. :')

*waves back*

So happen I took this. :) Xiuqing's bias in B1A4!

SHINee bowing!
The first time I saw them, it felt like a dream. Really! I couldn't believe it. Lol. But tonight, I realize I really wasn't dreaming any more, I am actually seeing my idols and watching them perform! Again. ;)
The last time I saw SHINee was during their solo concert in Singapore. It was extremely extremely extremely enjoyable but SHINee looked really tiny! Tonight, I COULD SEE THEIR FACES CLEARLY!! ♥ They look so so so good! (DUH~) Watching them tonight, it didn't feel like a dream at all. Lol.
Gaaaaawd. I would die to attend another solo concert of theirs!
I have no idea if it's because we're very much closer tonight, or they've pumped up the volume by quite a large margin. The music was kindda loud.
On top of the loud music, the screams tonight were really terrible. In fact, it was so bad, it has caused me to hear buzzing in my ear even after 5 hours. :( The buzzing made me so uncomfortable and sick, I had to rest and close my eyes every now and then.
It's funny how the other groups performed the same number of songs (5 songs each) but SHINee's performance seemed very much shorter!! It didn't feel like they've sang 5 songs! SHINee even had a short break after 3 songs where they went to change their microphones.
So it probably mean SHINee's performance was slightly longer? They didn't talk much though. :/ Then again, 30 songs weren't enough for me back then, what is 5?! Lol.
I wondered, on my way back home, how long more I can keep up to this idolizing thing. Each time I attend an event or concert, I'll always feel old. :( Most people would find it silly wasting money on such short yet seriously expensive activities but the highlight and key thing of all these craziness is the fact that it makes people happy. It makes ME happy. :)
Would definitely miss these freedom of spending such money without feeling (much) pinch. Lol.
I'm going to bed with a huge grin on my face as I reminisce last night and fall into a sweet slumber.
Entry on that up tomorrow. :3