Just as the title suggest, today's random meet-up was really impromptu!! Didn't I just describe it random? xD Was working hard on my work when I got a message from Yanling asking me out for dinner (so rare. ;p hehehe). Met the girls for some Jap food because Yanling wanted to claim this voucher that's due today.
No wonder she asked us out.
xP I kid.
Took a fair bit of pictures. Not many but just enough for a decent post. :D
I was lazy to arrange the pictures properly but as you can see, I had fun editing some of them. Hurrrrr~
No wonder she asked us out.
xP I kid.
Took a fair bit of pictures. Not many but just enough for a decent post. :D
I was lazy to arrange the pictures properly but as you can see, I had fun editing some of them. Hurrrrr~

After dinner was just walking around NEX. Before meeting the girls, I was just shopping around NEX and I got the sudden desire to spend. TT^TT Worse urge E-V-E-R. Went to Ministry of Cube and wanted to get this rather cute ring but dropped the idea only to go back and find it NO LONGER THERE. Gawwwwd! :((( I was merely away for an hour plus and it's sold!
Darn it.
I also saw this bag I thought was nice. "MUST BUY MUST BUY." kept ringing in my head but I controlled myself; only to find myself heading back to check out the bag THRICE. Lol. Kept asking myself if I should get it because it's like this.... love at first sight I had for my Purple Diva Red(bag) which is almost extremely rare! I SWEAR!
End up, Yanling got it for me as an advanced birthday present. HEHEHEHE.
ps: I didn't ask for it okay!
I forgot to tell her, it would be considered as my Chinese Birthday gift (since I'm celebrating it on Sunday) and she still owes me an actual birthday gift! HEHEHE.
Darn it.
I also saw this bag I thought was nice. "MUST BUY MUST BUY." kept ringing in my head but I controlled myself; only to find myself heading back to check out the bag THRICE. Lol. Kept asking myself if I should get it because it's like this.... love at first sight I had for my Purple Diva Red(bag) which is almost extremely rare! I SWEAR!
End up, Yanling got it for me as an advanced birthday present. HEHEHEHE.
ps: I didn't ask for it okay!
I forgot to tell her, it would be considered as my Chinese Birthday gift (since I'm celebrating it on Sunday) and she still owes me an actual birthday gift! HEHEHE.

If I could I would have ran around the mall............. Not. xD


Some shots before we went our separate ways for home!


&Here's Yanling request for full shots. =='

Because I was exclaiming how weird it felt to uhm.... uhm.... have them meet face to face.


^^ How can only take with that bimbo~ :p


OH OH OH! My desire to spend made me purchase a $7 three way pen too. Crazy, I know.
But I like it and I'm crazy. Lol. NO MORE GOING OUT FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK.
Except Friday. :p
But I like it and I'm crazy. Lol. NO MORE GOING OUT FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK.
Except Friday. :p
Oh oh oh! Bumped into Ivy on the way back too~~ Had a pleasant catchup!
Hmmmmmm. Was initially awkward la~ But it was alright eventually, I guess?
I hope things can be back to normal or something. :)
OH YA! Have been repeating EXO's "What is Love". Whole of yesterday and today while rushing work! I have no idea why but I just like the song............ Isn't fantastic but it's not bad! Kindda like the beat and all.
Why am I talking about my random K-Pop likes?!