things of the opposite.
many deaths occur daily; many babies born daily.
many hearts overjoyed daily; many hearts broken daily.
many gets employed daily; many loses their jobs daily.
many loses something daily; many gains/win something daily.
what's most important is living a life we won't regret living. live it to the fullest &love yourself.
today, someone i know is getting married.
today, someone i know got her heart broken.
it must be a really good drama the god is watching. seeing people tie the knot while leaving some struggling to heal their broken hearts. and of course, all the many other drama and things happening.
i woke up to a shocking news this morning. i had a lot of thoughts. mostly negatives.
negatives meaning sad, angry and pain.
i can't believe something like this happened to someone so pure. innocent and nice. but come on, who am i kidding? life's like that. reality's this cruel. maybe it's a lesson. i choose to believe it is. a lesson maybe you will realize only later. everything happens for a reason; a reason you need not know.
i continue to feel achy since the morning i saw the SMS. i was upset i wasn't there first thing - so i rushed through and panicked as i quickly prepare myself for work as i check my phone a lot more than i usually do. i was almost constantly worried. and right now, as i type this; my heart still has this ache. :/
i only hope, wish and pray for her to quickly recover from this setback. it was a tormenting one month and it has ended with a bad note. he's a bastard. twisted; and he's totally not worth it. but yes, i can't empathize fully because she's the one who loved that twisted person. that bastard. the one who's totally not worth it. i can only hope, wish and pray she'll be fine.
what's scary is we never knew he's such a person. we never saw it coming. he was so nice to her. we always thought he won't be able to tolerate her instead. but life has this thing it does to people; now the tables are turned. she's the one who's left heartbroken. so broken.
may she find someone better.
everyone, please learn to love yourself before you go out and search for love. loving yourself is far more important than getting/yearning for love that won't last. if you can't love yourself, don't expect another person to.
nothing last forever; it's a fact. don't live in denial.