Sunday, April 10, 2011

'Glacious' Is My New Favourite And It Cheers Me UP!!!

Yesterday was my first offday. But it started the night before. ^^ Finally met up with my loveees for dinner before chatting the entireeee night away!!! It's always nice to lie in bed with close friends around and just talking. From serious talks, to funny jokes and even R rated details! LOL. ?Not exactly la... :))) Let's do it again! ^^

Yesterday was by far the worst day of my 2011. :\
The day was pleasant, people were nice, but my mood wasn't. Was in a rather foul mood and the worse thing? I don't even know why... Tskkkk. Went out for dinner (update again when I've got pictures!), and finally had 'Glacious' after craving it randomly for some time. xD And 'Glacious' was the only time I was happy. =='

Hopefully, today's better - though it started with me waking up to a sore throat and a little lack of sleep. :\


This is nice! But I can't remember what is it.

Very very nice cakes Xiaoxuan gave me a week ago! ^^


Love this! <3

Thanks Helina! ♥♥♥

ps: I wantneed my good mood back!

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