"What is this?"

"Wahhhhh! SHINee's 2011 Calendar!!!"

"Niceee! Can't wait to uncover it! ^^"

"They... Are... So... Precious...!"

"Is this how he posed? Wonder what's his book about."


"Favourite month, favourite number, favourite Oppa!!!!"

"Am I posing it right?"

"Hmmmm. What is he looking at?"

"Almighty Key!"

"Can't wait for next Christmas!!"

"What?! That's all????? *Sigh*"

*Keep Keep Keep!*

ps: This is how much I love this calendar! ^^
Thank you 德吧青姑 and 三毛毛!!! <3
Love you guys many many F-O-R-E-V-E-R!!! ^^
Okay, this is what you get for having me too happy to sleep! Lol. When I'm too happy, I can't sleep. When I can't sleep, I get bored. When I get bored, I think about things that happened. When I thought about today, I got super excited about my SHINee 2011 Calendar (and my permission granted HONGKONG GRADUATION TRIP)!!! And when all these adds up together, I just start doing random things. LOL.
I've been wanting to try something like that longgg longgg longgg ago... ><
Now that I'm done with this random-ness.
ps: More school work to do tomorrow. T^T
My days are just getting better and better! ^^
&Oh ya! My mother was laughing at me when I showed off my awesome calendar! Lol. Can't a 20 year old kid have idols??? They are of the same age too!!! HEHE.
Okay, really this time.
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