Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'm Happy Like That! (:

I smile at the slightest things...
I laugh at the stupidest jokes...
I get excited and go crazy for the smallest news...

I'm always smiling, always laughing, easily excited, forever crazy and definitely genuine happy (93% of the time).

Though life is tough, I get over them easy.. Because everyone has their Ups and Downs, everyone has tough times in their life, everyone encounter hardships and difficulties but, all the misery is optional. Been low low low last week because of some stupid things but now I'm back and all crazy again! ^^
That's how I am, and it's not a shortfall right? I take things seriously but always keep an open mind and an open heart. That's the only way to counter the reality of life and win the "battle" against sorrows!

Why am I being so random right now?
Because I'm bored and not in the mood to study for the next test...

But then again, I can't afford to score too badly... -,- Okay, random over!


Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

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