Monday, July 26, 2010

Tell Me Something I Wanna Hear

Took a stroll under the rain today. Oddly, it made me feel at ease... The sound of raindrops hitting the ground and the feeling of them falling on me... Makes me feel calm, serene and less complicated (?!). A nice feeling... It's been a long while since I've played under the rain... Lol. Kiddy much? There's a price to pay though; It was freezing cold and I think I'm falling sick. LOL! Still, it was nice... :D Won't die from walking under drizzling rain right??? :/

Rain... It was raining heavier than raining cats and dogs this morning! Raining sheeps and cows!! xD 0519hrs was the time I remembered being awaken by the loud rain fall. Tsk! I was dreaming an awesome dream luh~ But then again, the sound of the rainfall was pretty scary. Loud, fast-speed and consistent for about... 25minutes. :S (Yes, I couldn't get back to sleep because it was too noisy! Even my sis woke up abruptly!) Couldn't get back to the same dream after. :@

I've been having dreams lately... Which means, I haven't been sleeping properly. :/ But anyhow, I need to turn the lights off early from now onwards, I ACTUALLY HAVE DARK EYE RINGS ALREADY!!! :O Must get rid of them~~~ kekeke.

Though the day has just started, I'm already hoping to get home quick so I can sleep. =x