Is it one's fault to be idling when they are not assigned to any tasks? : I mean, I've emailed respectative person(s) for tasks. And because they are extremely busy (seriously!), they either reply pretty late or not reply at all. :'( I've seen their inbox before, OMG - In a day, their mailbox can be flooded with so many emails!
I'm just a puny intern - of course they'll skip mine once in a while? :'(
And, I think over-react sometimes. I'll be damn high and happy when I've got things to do and end up completing them a little too quickly! :S Afterwhich, I'll be back to square one. Zzz
It's really a torture to be idling. Worse when it's 80% not your fault but you'll still feel... horrible!!
& because of this, I'm having an extremely tough time filling up my Log Book. =.= I can't possibly fake my way through right?!
Anyho for the boring negatives! Well, today's a pretty good day - I WON $15!!! Should have placed $30 instead of $10! Pfft~ But then again, I shouldn't be greedy. :D
Also, a photo about SHINee's comeback is finally released. :O Not very excited about it YET. :S Just hope it's not as bad... T^T
Watched some horror last night and realise maybe I'm not as afraid as I used to be? Or maybe because they are too predictable or too fake? : Oh oh! I still remember this scene where this sick guy actually took this... idk what!... swing, aim and hit straight at a girl's face with blood instantly shooting out. IT WAS SICK SHIT.
But I predicted it and didn't close my eyes when it happen! Now that I think of it, OMG SICK.
Alright, rant enough. LOL!
ps: I think I have issues. But the thing is; some people are just too problematic! Seriously. =,=