Anyway, that's besides the point.
Other than the engaging system sharing; I was wondering while pay attention (I can multitask!) - About random things.
I think some people are like... plain childish. The attitude, the mindset, everything... No idea if I should say they are stupid or be kind and leave the dumb kids alone. :\ And I realise the (pretty) major difference between men and most guys of my age(&younger). Tsktsktsk.

Randomly & suddenly, I miss Soohou... Feels like ages since we last gathered together. I can't even remember when's the last time we've met. . . Okay, maybe not. I went to check; The last time we gathered was 19th May. One month ago!!! What a busy man he is. Forever missing our gatherings/outings/celebration because of his commitments. :\

I hope this busy bee comes up with a fantastic birthday plan... :\
Okay, no more random juice. Lol.
SHINee is coming back!!! Damn damn damn excited and looking forward to it! ^^ But sigh~ I might have made wrong predictions... I thought the one with drastic hairstyle change would be Minho & Taemin. But it turns out to be Key and Jonghyun? Lol. Happy to finally see Minho with shorthair! Lol. And it seems like Taemin is keeping the long hair??? -.- I hope these all change though. Lol. Can't wait to see them back in action!!! I've divert my fangirling long enough. :p And omg omg omg! One of them wrote the lyrics to their new title song??? Excited to know who's the next after Jonghyun. HEHEH.Okay, really toodles now.