I'm back! I'm back, I'm back, I'm back, I'm back!
(sings Lee Hyori's song. =x)
It's been almost a week since I'm back from Suzhou! :D Thank god I've created a backup blogging account with Livejournal. Else, I think I'll suffer blogging about my daily life. ^^
If you do not already know (shame one you!), my updates for the past month is all HERE!! :D
If you're just interested in images, click the links below! :D
Album #1
Album #2
Currently thinking hard to choose between blogger.com and livejournal.com. :/ Over the month stay in Suzhou, I kindda got used to LJ's blogging way and style. :/ I still love blogger's simplicity though... :/
Anyhow, watch this space for more updates about my decision, compiled entries about my month stay in Suzhou and many other random updates!!! :D