This entry came late because I didn't get the photos. :/
Well, before the awesome farewell gathering with npconcc, spent a lovely night with my favourite girls. ^^
Though I was really exhausted from the long day, meeting the girls was really nice... :D
Met Yanling on the train towards Dhoby Ghaut and met up with Jiaxuan at Plaza Singapura's Hong Kong Cafe.
PS: I am kindda sick of it already! =x
Then, had a really filling dinner before going around Plaza Singapura~ :D Wanted to do a small advanced birthday celebration but I guess we were all half dead? Alright, it was just me. =x. End up just training back home. :)
Short and sweet outing with them. :D
Alright, pictures up ahead! :D

@Hong Kong Cafe

Yanling & Jasmine

We sat at the same place like the last time we went there. Lol. So cool.


Change of seat due to the troublesome queen, How Yanling!


My gift from me me me to her her her. ^^
Wayyyyy too advanced, but who cares! hehe.


For the very first time, I witness Yanling EATING A LOT!!! Lol.

Couldn't finish my dinner again... :/ Felt a little like puking. LOL! =x

I feel tall tall tall tall tall tall, that day. ^^

A lot of shots had to be taken before Yanling finally says "Yes" to one. -.-

Thereafter, went to hougang mall to run some errand~~

Yanling made a ridiculous storyline for this... x.x
Saying I was sad that Jiaxuan was eating that... herbal thing while I couldn't.. LOL.
The thing is, I'm not even a wee bit interested in that... plain tasting thingy~~~ =x

Made a lot of cheap jokes that night. LOL.


Waiting for their really really slow bussssssssssssss~~~

Nice right? :D

Took nice selfshots that day. kekeke.