BUT! I have really very very AWESOME friends who go the extra mile and make my birthday a lot more enjoyable and memorable!
I have to really say; I wasn't looking forward TO ANYTHING this year because... I just didn't have the Birthday feel. Prolly due to the exams and all even though I have 2 birthdays in a row this year... Lol. Initially didn't even wanna do anything for the day. =x
My 19th is yet another BLAST!!

♥♥♥Surprise #1

♥♥♥Surprise #2
First and foremost, I would like to thank EVERYONE who wished me. I am really appreciative and glad for all the warm and well wishes. :D
I am not really a good friend because I always forget people's birthday or not wish them, BUT really, THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR REMEMBERING MY BIRTHDAY. :d
//edited! I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT THIS!!! :'(
SPECIAL THANKS TO Chiulee too!!! ♥♥♥
She gave me a call before she go to bed after a long day at work AND SANG THE BIRTHDAY SONG!! Hahaha. It was super cute because she was kindda shy while singing. hehehe.
PS: Let's get closer over time alright? LOVE YA! And thanks again!!! heheh. ♥♥♥
I don't care if anyone reads this lengthy entry. I'm still going to be damn long-winded! ;)
I'll start off with the dayyyy!
It was yet another mundane exam day where I went to school early...
Nahh, I shouldn't be so naggy today. LOL! Shall just go straight to the point.
Last paper today.
Didn't give my all while studying but I hope I could score the paper! ^^

Went to school early to study~ Guan and I in the library. :D

Supposedly there to do last minute memorising. Lol!

Yingling and I!

Ryan and Lim Guan.
Paper ended. As promised, waited for most people to exit the exam hall before proceeding to some place to slack, chill with my classmates during their lunch.
Kindda like our last time together for now...
Honestly, I didn't expect or suspect anything. Now, I think I'm dumb. LOL!
While waiting for don't-know-what, the "Happy Birthday" song was sang. And again, I thought someone else had the same birthday as me. =.=|||
Until I turn towards the singing and realise Lim Guan was holding a cake! Lol. They were singing FOR ME. Lol. Took me a while to realise that actually. :S
Damn shocked because I totally didn't expect that... And yes, I'm going to keep repeating how unexpected things were today! Then, photo-taking with these lovely people! :D
What a lie about lunch gathering and that some of them went to the toilet. Tsk! Lol.


Hmmm. :/ Look oddly weird making a wish.

And, I did it again! Zzz Even before I could blow the flame off the candle, I breathed/laughed and had it ceased. =.= Lol.

Main organiser helping me out again... ♥♥♥

Trying to dig out the candle holderrrrr. :D

Syuhadadada~~~ :D

BI0802 GIRLS! :D
Favourite photo #1 up in the very start of the entry. :D
I was really happy !!! :D But I hope I didn't show any sign of tiredness. Lol. Was damn sleepy. =x
Would like to thank everyone who was there! Those who shared the cake. (: Those who sang along... Those who were just there. :D

Obviously the guys~ :D

Playing cream. Almost!


Cut cake!!! :D

Guan, really really thank you! :D
Appreciating everything is just an understatement, I LOVE IT ALL. :D
Thank you for wishing me so many times, SMS, call, meet up, msn and all the times!! Lol. Thanks for planning this surprise. Haha! I was duped, damn! Lol. And thanks for being such a great friend. Really, I'm really really glad to have known you.
Guan ah, THANK YOU! :D
PS: Now, don't go snatch and come in between SiewCheng and I! Lol. We're truly in love. HAHHAHAHA! Keep your hands on Yingling lah! Lol.
After surprise, thank them all before heading down to Hougang Point for my planned lunch. (:
And yes, this is kindda the only thing I've planned to celebrate my birthday. LOL! :D

Jiaxuan, Yanling.


These two were even late okay! Lol.

Today's lunch was MY TREAT! :D
PS: I thought it would be good to do a birthday treat once in a while. ;) BUT! Gary sat at another table, so too bad. LOL!

Jolene figuring out the fantastic LG Lollipop~~~ ♥

It is indeed a great phone! ;)

The other table...
And impromptu decision that some of my classmates join us. :D


After which, Gary drove me home home home~~~ :D
Gave me a really nice yet asshole present at the same time. LOL!
(Will not disclose in case of bashing and stuff. Only close friends will know. heh.)
Washed up and headed out for dinner.
Boy, I was damn freaking semi-full. So semi-full that I didn't eat much, and got pretty sleepy and a little dumb. LOL! No elaboration for the dumb part. Lol.

Awesome food though! ;)
Ate a lot of seafood. Hehehe.

Alright, this was the initial END to this entry. LOL!
Was chatting with Weishan and stuff while arranging and uploading pictures. (:
She left to walk her dog after a while...
When I was ALMOST going to start typing out my Birthday entry...

OMG... "Happy Birthday" song was sang again! (:

Honestly, I kept complaining how ugly I was and all! Lol.


Desperate measure, COVER WITH BLANKET!!! Lol.

Secretly making a wish that pictures won't turn out ugly. LOL!



Pro-cutting cake. ;)

Die die also must have the blanket around! Lol.

The crew 'minus' Gary.
Halfway through this chaos, (LOL!), the extremely sweet and adorable Chiulee gave me a surprise call! Haha. Called and sang me the birthday song. It was so sweet of her. hehhe.

After they allowed me to change from the hideous specs. =x Lol.


Thanks sister for taking pictures for us! :D
Favourite picture up in the start of the entry too. ;)
Chitchatted for about an hour or so? Before they left.. :D

Lol. Now I know why she asked me to quickly go online.
Why she suddenly said she wanna walk her dog and didn't allow me to join her when I said I want to. LOL! What a lame excuse about your sister! Lol.
This awesome friend here even made me an awesome card! HAHHA.

Awww~~ THANK YOU!!! heheh ♥

Though you lied, it was for a good course, so you're forgiven. HAHAHA! :D
Now, accompany me to the salon tomorrow! ;)

Ping ah ping ah ping ah! Thanks for dropping by and giving me this surprise after a long tiring day at work. :D

Thanks for the gift. Not really loving the photoshopped picture, but yeah; NICE EFFORT. Lol. Thanks for being part of this surprise and many other all these while. :D
PS: Go with my idea and get a girlfriend already! Hahaha.

Last by not least, THANK YOU CINDY
The one who planned most of my birthday surprises... LOL!
My big-scale 17th birthday,
my fabulous 18th! and now adding to my list,
an unforgetable (& ugly me!!!) 19th~~~ :D
PS: Let's please please please celebrate yours on the dot too! :D
Today's really really awesome. I had an AWESOME time.
Damn, now I think awesome is an understatement! Lol.
LOVE THESE PEOPLE!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Remaining favourite pictures up ahead! :D

More birthday celebrations to come! ^^
Tune in for more people!! :D