Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why Bother?

Look at the time! And I still can't sleep.
Was watching 5episodes of "God Of Study", got tired  and tried to sleep but couldn't.
It's a good show!!! Like it.

Anyway, end up blog-hopping and just thinking...

I've always been caught up by "Should I be bothered?" kindda questions. I've occassionally asked myself that regarding certain things and people.

Unknowingly, I think I've decided to do the "only be concerned about people who matters and those who appreciates".
For the past few days? Or weeks? I notice myself no longer initiating concerns to everyone, like I used to. Instead, I just read these problems or whatever it is and be notified.
Seriously, am tired of trying to be out there for people when they obviously don't have me in sight at all!!!

I don't like being just a friend for convenience! I rather just be acquaintance if so.

PS: I hate the J excuse. Especially when one has agreed to something; and then cancel me out because there's a last minute situation. It's okay if it's once or twice. It's no longer just coincidence when its more that twice given the fact that things are planned almost once in a bluemoon. I simply hate it.

PSPS: If you don't wanna respond, then so be it. I can no longer be bothered by any of your freaking problems anymore. Why do I even care?!

I will not be freaking bothered about anyone who's not worthy of my concern or who are not important in my life at all.

-feeling much better-

Pfft. My eyes are so dry, they hurt! T.T
Shall be back with picturesssss soon. :)
Tired - shall sleep on ang paos now! Lol.

PS: I hope my face don't swell again tomorrow... :(